3M has been a leader in industrial-strength spray adhesive technology for over 50 years—and is now leading the way in meeting market demands for reduced VOCs and more sustainable adhesive solutions. 3M is committed to investing $1 billion in sustainability efforts over the next 20 years and em...
3M™ Inverted Aerosol Adhesives Best flippin' 3M adhesives on the market Turning spray technology upside down for more stickin' per can With upside down spray technology, 3M™ Inverted Aerosol Adhesives virtually eliminate traditional aerosol problems of broken spray patterns and adhesive left in ...
3M™ Scotch-Weld™ Epoxy Adhesive 2158, Gray, Part B/A, 2 Gallon, 2 Kit/Case 3M Stock 7010330060 UPC 00021200202629 Alternative ID 2158 3M™ Rubber and Vinyl Spray Adhesive 80, Yellow, 24 fl oz Can (Net Wt 19 oz), 6/Case, NOT FOR SALE IN CA AND OTHER STATES 3M Stock 7000028...
12、0MP Adhesive: S- 250o F / L-150o F 粘接泡棉 340 Adhesive: S- 180o F / L- 180o F 初粘好,粘接多种炮棉 200MP 和 300LSE 丙烯酸型胶粘剂 200MP 对高表面能材料有高的粘接强度 耐温可达 204 优异的抗剪切强度 内聚强度高, 避免翘边 优异的耐化学品性 优异的耐潮耐水性能 优异的耐老化...
美国牌子3M67多用途喷胶Spray Adhesive多用途万能胶305g代理经销 深圳市龙岗区平湖力晟达五金商行15年 月均发货速度:暂无记录 广东 深圳市 ¥560.50 3M正品 75喷涂胶粘剂 多用速干喷胶 电脑刺绣环保喷胶 3M官方授权店9年 月均发货速度:暂无记录 广东 中山市 ...
包邮3M Super 77 Multipurpose Spray Adhesive 3M 77喷胶 深圳市千毅新材料有限公司1年 月均发货速度:暂无记录 广东 深圳市 ¥48.75 3m77喷胶强力可移透明不干胶水家具胶水绣花春联对联沙发海绵喷胶 深圳市享誉新材料有限公司5年 月均发货速度:暂无记录 ...
3M Strategic Distributor selling 3M tape, adhesive, abrasives, fall protection and personal safety products, and more. Same day shipping available.
Uline stocks a wide selection of 3M Light Duty Spray Adhesive. Order by 6 p.m. for same day shipping. Huge Catalog! Over 42,000 products in stock. 13 Locations across USA, Canada and Mexico for fast delivery of 3M Light Duty Spray Adhesive.
英文名称:3M Super 77 spray adhesive 别名:超级多用途喷胶/ 包装规格:10 保质期:15 个月 有效物质≥:80 执行标准:3M 品牌:3M 手指一按即可完成从纸张到金属等多种基材的粘接 3M喷胶当需要时可随时施用到工件上。只要手指一按,即可将适合工作要求的胶粘剂喷涂到纸张、塑料、厚纸板、泡棉、金属和其他材料上。