PRODUCT NAME: 3M™Primer 94 MANUFACTURER: 3M DIVISION: In ADDRESS: 3M Center, St. Paul, MN 55144-1000 Issue Date: 0 e: 0 Ingredient C.A.S. No.% by Wt Cyclohexane 110-82-730 -60Xylene 1330-20-720 -35Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 1 -10Ethyl Alochol 64-17-5 5 -10Eth...
3MPrimer94安全技术资料.pdf 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 3MPrimer94安全技术资料,安全技术交底资料,施工现场安全技术资料,安全技术资料管理制度,安全技术资料,安全技术管理资料,安全技术资料台账,建筑施工安全技术资料,安全技术交底,湖南安全技术职业学院 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 3M...
3M 94 yellow tape primer is packaged 0.66 ml per inner, 500 per case. Designed to be used with 3M VHB tape. Product Specifications Brand: 3M 3M Number: 94 Application Type: ABS; Glass; Metal; PET/PBT Blend; Polyethylene; Polypropylene; Wood For Use With: 3M VHB Tape Color: Yellow ...
3M P595 Teak & Glass Primer 3M P597 Clear Teak & Glass Primer 3M Panaflex™ 945GPS Awning and Sign Facing 3M Panagraphics™ III Wide Width Flexible Substrate 3M PM-1680 Stain Resistant Additive and Sealer 3M PM-4800 Stain Resistant Additive and Sealer 3M PM-5000 Stain Resistant Additive...
3M™ DI-NOC™ Architectural Finishes FeaturesExterior Wood SpeciesElm Design FamilyWood Year of IntroductionPre-2020 Wood ToneMedium Design PatternFine Wood Related Products Accessory for 3M™ Hand Applicator PA1 Accessory for 3M™ Tape Primer 94...
型号:4624 PDF下载:下载PDF文件查看货源 内容描述:VHB ?带 [VHB?Tapes] 分类和应用: 文件页数/大小:10 页 / 637 K 品牌: 3M [ 3M ELECTRONICS ] 3M™VHB™Tapes Additional Typical Performance Characteristics Note: The following technical information and data should be considered representative or typic...
3M Primer AP111, 3M Adhesion Promoter 4298UV and 3M Tape Primer 94 are used with aluminum and galvanized steel substrates. Water Salt Water Hydraulic Fluid 10W30 Motor Oil Glycol Antifreeze Kerosene Isopropyl Alcohol Jet Fuel Gasoline MEK 0 Test Method • Tape between stainless steel and ...
WAKEFIELD THERMAL 94 有货 数量价钱(含税) 1+ CNY37.540 (CNY42.4202) 包装规格: 添加 最少:1 / 多个:1 M1802D-PK100Transistor Pad, 6.34mm x 3.18mm, TO-18 Packages MULTICOMP PRO 1,583 有货 数量价钱(含税) 1+ CNY45.100 (CNY50.963) 10+ CNY39.560 (CNY44.7028) 25+ CNY35.870 (CNY...
26Kb/6PScotch-WeldTM Structural Adhesive Primer More results 3M Electronics是位于明尼苏达州圣保罗的跨国公司公司3M的一个部门。 3M电子设备专注于电子和电气产品的设计,制造和营销,包括互连和机电解决方案,被动和主动的电子组件以及电子材料和粘合剂。 该公司为各种行业提供服务,包括航空航天和国防,汽车,消费电子,工...
bonding on truck cab exteriors and truck body nameplate bonding. If trying to bond to more porous substrates such as granite or marble 3M 4941 would be the recommended VHB to go with along with their 3M 94 primer product first on both surfaces bonding to....