3M胶带胶水产品(Tape) 3M劳动防护与职业健康产 3M精密研磨产品 3M汽车售后产品(AAD) 产品展示 当前位置:网站首页>>产品展示>>3M胶带胶水产品(Tape) 产品名称:3M 610胶带 产品描述: 3M 610胶带 66米长度 产品简介 3M 610胶带 66米长度 更多..相关产品...
3m测试胶带610-1PK19mm*65.8m 广州飞灿贸易有限公司7年 月均发货速度:暂无记录 广东 广州市番禺区 授权可见 3M测试胶带610-1PTK3M测试胶带610-1PTK 广州飞灿贸易有限公司7年 月均发货速度:暂无记录 广东 广州市番禺区 3m 610-1pk tape价格信息不够给力?没有找到优质3m 610-1pk tape批发/采购信息?马上发布...
Scotch® Cellophane Film Tape 610 is a high-performance, transparent cellophane film tape featuring a high-tack adhesive system. This tape offers excellent adhesion, dispensing and handling properties.Product Features *Cellophane Film *Rubber Resin Adhesive Product Advantages *Temperature Resistant *...
3M610 is a high performance, transparent cellophane film tape, It has excellent adhesion, high strength and not easy to tear,mainly used in silk screen printing, color printing, printing and packaging. Product Name 3M 610 Transparent Testing tape Material...
3m610材质报告 cellophane film tape 610 technical information scotch? cellophane film tape 610 is a high-performance, transparent cellophane film tape featuring a high-tack adhesive system. this tape offers excellent adhesion, dispensing and handling properties. product features *cellophane film *rubber ...
610-1PK 3M 中国, 9MM*65.8M价格是50元/卷 25.4MM*65.8M价格是62元/卷 特价批发 Scotch 思高牌 610-1PK 胶带 低价提供 3m610无气泡测试胶带 原装正品,不脱胶 Scotch 思高牌 610 胶带用于油漆表面测试的 胶带。 测试胶带用途 : 广泛应用于丝印 . 彩印 . 喷...
3M Scotch Tape 测试胶带 附著力测试3M Scotch Cellophane Film Tape 610測試膠帶附著力測試 Scotch Cellophane Film Tape 610 is a high performance, transparent cellophane film tape featuring a high tack adhesive system. This product offers excellent adhesion, dispensing and handling properties. High-...
610Construction Backing: Adhesive: Colors:CellophanePressureSensitiveRubberResinTransparentTypicalPhysicalProperties(Notrecommendedforspecificationpurposes) AdhesiontoSteel: TransverseTensileStrength: ElongationatBreak: TapeThickness Backing: Total:43oz/inchwidth(47N/100mmwidth)23lb/inchwidth(402N/100mmwidth)15%1.4...
3m610技术参数 Scotch® Cellophane Film T ape 610 Product Description Scotch®Tape 610 is a high-performance, transparent cellophane film tape featuring a high-tack adhesive system. This tape offers excellent adhesion, dispensing and handling properties.Typical Physical Properties Note:The following ...