15、快干胶 热固化胶膜 双组份胶 环氧胶 聚氨酯胶 DP胶 环氧胶 聚氨酯胶 丙烯酸胶粘剂 单组份胶单组份胶双组份胶双组份胶 Epoxy 的特点 优点 粘接强度高 收缩率小(2) 机械强度高 良好的耐化学品, 耐腐蚀,特别是耐碱性 使用温度范围大 电绝缘性能好 毒性低 储存稳定性好 用途 缺点 耐候性差 脆性大,抗冲...
3M ElectronicsDP3501 286Kb/6P3M Scotch-WeldTM Epoxy Adhesives HP42 338Kb/6P3M Scotch-WeldTM Pipe Sealant Anaerobic Adhesives EC-3532 72Kb/3PScotch-WeldTM Urethane Adhesive DP190 631Kb/7PScotch-WeldTM Epoxy Adhesives 2214 552Kb/11PScotch-WeldTM Epoxy Adhesives ...
Epoxy Adhesive DP-460 cure at room temperature and reach 4500 psi in overlap shear strength. Void-filling properties secure loose fitting surfaces. Ellsworth Adhesives 1-800-888-0698 -162- 3M ADHESIVES Product Information: 3M Scotch-Weld?Adhesives in Duo-Pak Cartridges Average Overlap Mix ...
EC-3549 369Kb / 5P 3M??Scotch-Weld??Urethane Adhesive EC-2815 291Kb / 7P 3M??Scotch-Weld??Epoxy Adhesive EC-5816 220Kb / 4P 3M??Scotch-Weld??Elastomeric Coating EC-3501 328Kb / 6P 3M??Scotch-Weld??Epoxy Adhesives More results 关于...
of 2216 B/A Gray Adhesive 3501 B/A ? Fast cure adhesive ? Rigid epoxy 1:1 500,000 7 Min. 5 1500 2400 300 200 Gray 20-30 minutes handling strength that can bond metal, wood, most plastics and masonry products 3532 B/A ? Fast cure adhesive 1:1 30,000 7 Min. 25 2500 2000 300...
EC-3542 279Kb / 6P 3M??Scotch-Weld??Epoxy Adhesive EC-2815 291Kb / 7P 3M??Scotch-Weld??Epoxy Adhesive EC-5816 220Kb / 4P 3M??Scotch-Weld??Elastomeric Coating EC-3501 328Kb / 6P 3M??Scotch-Weld??Epoxy Adhesives 1838B 140Kb / 6P 3M??Scotch-Weld??Epoxy Adhesive More resul...
EC-3501 328Kb / 6P 3M??Scotch-Weld??Epoxy Adhesives PR40 425Kb / 4P 3M Scotch-Weld??Plastic and Rubber Instant Adhesives EC5 422Kb / 4P Scotch-Weld?줗eneral Purpose Instant Adhesives EW-5000 389Kb / 6P 3M??Scotch-Weld??Structural Adhesive Primer DP810 190Kb / 7P Scotch-Weld...
最大输出电流: 35 A 封装主体材料: PLASTIC/EPOXY 封装形状: RECTANGULAR 封装形式: FLANGE MOUNT 峰值回流温度(摄氏度): 265 认证状态: Not Qualified 最大重复峰值反向电压: 200 V 子类别: Bridge Rectifier Diodes 表面贴装: NO 端子面层: MATTE TIN 端子形式: THROUGH-HOLE 端子位置: SINGLE 处于峰值回流温...
精品EPOXY 积水5230WYB,5230VSB、52... 供应汽车泡棉双面胶 强力透明双面胶 亚克... 3M7952MP 7955MP片材 双面... 河北唐山源头工厂 2.0热熔双面胶 量大... 3M4929黑色VHB泡棉双面胶 模切定... 3M5425耐磨单面胶带-超高分子量聚乙... < > 产品推荐 ...
3M EC Adhesives Dispenser Reference Guide 3M Aerospace and Aircraft Maintenance Department T rusted Products Proven Performance 3M TM Scotch-Weld TM EC Adhesives Dispenser Reference Guide • Eliminates Hand Mixing • Reduces Material Waste • Improves Mix Ratio • Accurate Material Placement ...