3M Scotch-Weld DP2216 环氧胶-附TDS下载 3M Scotch-Weld环氧树脂粘合剂DP2216是一种双组分室温固化工业粘合剂,具有柔韧性,高剥离和剪切强度,耐弯曲,抗振动和抗冲击性。 点击下方立即询价→了解3M Scotch-Weld DP2216 环氧胶价格需求→获得3M Scotch-Weld DP2216 环氧胶资料下载 点击右边在线咨询→与客服人员建立...
3M Scotch-Weld 2216 环氧树脂粘合剂——附TDS下载 3M Scotch-Weld环氧树脂粘合剂2216 Clear是一种双组分室温固化粘合剂,用于粘合金属,塑料,砖石,橡胶和木材。它具有高剪切强度,高剥离强度,耐老化,抗振动,抗冲击和抗弯曲性。 点击下方立即询价→了解3M Scotch-Weld 2216 环氧树脂粘合剂价格需求→获得3M Scotch-Wel...
产品名称 2216 工作温度 24℃ 有效成分含量 99.9% 活性使用期 90min 剪切强度 3000MPa 热熔胶类型 包装热熔胶 树脂胶分类 环氧树脂胶 粘合材料类型 陶瓷 执行标准 TDS 有效期 24个月 是否进口 否 包装规格 946MLkg 用途范围 粘接 树脂胶的分类 环氧树脂胶 有效物质≥ 90 功能 粘接 特色服务...
3M 2216 tds 3 Scotch-W eld TM Epoxy Adhesive 2216 B/A Gray •2216 B/A Tan NS •2216 B/A Translucent Product Description3M TM Scotch-Weld TM Epoxy Adhesive 2216 B/A Gray, Tan NS and Translucent are flexible, two-part, room temperature curing epoxies with high peel and shear ...
2216 B/A ? Long worklife adhesive? Flexible epoxy 2:3 80,000 90 Min. 25 2000 2500 400 200 Gray 8-12 hrs. handling strength Can bond plastic, metal and other dissimilar materials 2216 B/A ? Long worklife adhesive? Flexible epoxy 2:3 350,000 90 Min. 25 2000 2500 400 200 Tan ? 8...
3M 胶水 规格说明书 TDS 下载积分: 100 内容提示: 3M ADHESIVES 3M™ Scotch-Weld ™ Structural Adhesives?Load-bearing formulations for metals,?rubber, glass and more.?As an alternative to mechanical or fusion fastening, the reasons for Scotch-Weld Adhesives are many: greater design latitude, ...
Featured Products $428.79 $1,624.68 3M Scotch-Weld DP460 Epoxy Adhesive Off-White 200 mL Duo-Pak Cartridge Part #: DP460 200ML DUO-PAK $263.68 3M Scotch-Weld 2216 Epoxy Adhesive Gray 1 pt Can Kit Part #: 2216 GRAY PINT KIT Featured Content...
技术参数:TDS 粘度:600 颜色:透明 <
Tan version of 2216 B/A Gray Adhesive ? Long worklife adhesive? Flexible epoxy ? 16-20 hrs. handling strength ? Translucent version of 2216 B/A Gray Adhesive ? Fast cure adhesive ? Rigid epoxy ? 20-30 minutes handling strength ? Rapid room temperature curing material that can bond metal,...
技术参数:TDS 粘度:600 颜色:透明 供应商信息 公司地址深圳市宝安区西乡街道西乡大道与新湖路交汇处魅力时代花园1栋A单元2115号房统一社会信用代码914403006837715165 组织机构代码68377151-6注册资本110万人民币 营业期限40978-10-15至无固定期限经营状态存续