3M 2216 tds 3 Scotch-W eld TM Epoxy Adhesive 2216 B/A Gray •2216 B/A Tan NS •2216 B/A Translucent Product Description3M TM Scotch-Weld TM Epoxy Adhesive 2216 B/A Gray, Tan NS and Translucent are flexible, two-part, room temperature curing epoxies with high peel and shear ...
Tan version of 2216 B/A Gray Adhesive ? Long worklife adhesive? Flexible epoxy ? 16-20 hrs. handling strength ? Translucent version of 2216 B/A Gray Adhesive ? Fast cure adhesive ? Rigid epoxy ? 20-30 minutes handling strength ? Rapid room temperature curing material that can bond metal,...
2216 B A Long worklife adhesive Flexible epoxy 1 1 10 000 120 Min 25 3000 2000 200 100 Translucent 16 20 hrs handling strength Translucent version of 2216 B A Gray Adhesive 3501 B A Fast cure adhesive Rigid epoxy 1 1 500 000 7 Min 5 1500 2400 300 200 Gray 20 30 minutes handling ...
Featured Products $428.79 $1,624.68 3M Scotch-Weld DP460 Epoxy Adhesive Off-White 200 mL Duo-Pak Cartridge Part #: DP460 200ML DUO-PAK $263.68 3M Scotch-Weld 2216 Epoxy Adhesive Gray 1 pt Can Kit Part #: 2216 GRAY PINT KIT Featured Content...
需要金币:*** 金币(10金币=人民币1元) 3M胶水规格说明书TDS.pdf 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 3M ADHESIVES 3M ? Scotch-Weld ? Structural Adhesives Load-bearing formulations for metals, rubber, glass and more. As an alternative to mechanical or fusion fastening, ...
2216 B/A ? Long worklife adhesive? Flexible epoxy 1:1 10,000 120 Min. 25 3000 2000 200 100 Translucent ? 16-20 hrs. handling strength Translucent version of 2216 B/A Gray Adhesive 3501 B/A ? Fast cure adhesive ? Rigid epoxy 1:1 500,000 7 Min. 5 1500 2400 300 200 Gray 20-30...