3M™Scotch-Weld™环氧树脂粘合剂2214特别是在需要高温强度时,粘接金属,它是一种灰色,刚性,铝填充的单组分环氧树脂粘合剂。在250华氏度/ 121摄氏度下在40分钟内固化。一般用于工业,体育用品,太阳能,风能,复合材料,电子,军事,运输和航空航天。 推荐阅读:《3M™Scotch-Weld™环氧树脂粘合剂 DP 490-附TDS下载...
3M2214美纹纸胶带工业喷漆汽车美容遮蔽胶带可手撕书写 3m胶带 北京万事恒润科贸有限公司9年 月均发货速度:暂无记录 北京市朝阳区 ¥0.03成交500个 定制3M9448A棉纸双面胶高粘无痕超薄模切冲型易撕强力双面胶带 东莞市宏昌胶粘制品有限公司2年 月均发货速度:暂无记录 ...
Similar to 2214 regular adhesive but deaerated and formulated to provide dense, void-free bond lines. Formulated to provide outstanding performance at elevated temperatures and excellent sag control. A version of 2214 Hi-Temp Adhesive with exceptional performance at elevated temperatures and excellent ...
3M 胶水 规格说明书 TDS 下载积分: 100 内容提示: 3M ADHESIVES 3M™ Scotch-Weld ™ Structural Adhesives?Load-bearing formulations for metals,?rubber, glass and more.?As an alternative to mechanical or fusion fastening, the reasons for Scotch-Weld Adhesives are many: greater design latitude, ...
2214 Aluminum filled heat curing 250 F Paste 60 250 121 10 5 3000 4500 4500 1500 400 Regular 121 C structural adhesive of paste Alum Gray consistency Can bond metals glass 50 and many plastics Steel 2214 Similar to 2214 regular adhesive but Paste 60 250 121 10 5 3000 4500 4500 1700 400...
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TDS Required No Company informationEstablished in 2009, Shenzhen Xiangyu New Material Co.,Ltd specializes in the business of tape. Brief introduction: WIth the back of high advanced transport system in Shenzhen, and high development tech from cooprated manufactures and factories, our ...
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