Shelf Life Marking clause 4.1 at 20°C, they will meet the specified value for characteristics listed above. endurance Printed with white color letter on black sleeve. Type numbering system (Example : 10V 330µF) Radial Lead Type φ φ φ φ φ • Please refer to page 21 ...
Load Life Shelf Life Not more than 200% of the initial specified value. Not more than the initial specified value. After storage for 1000 hours at +105 , the capacitors shall meet the requirement of load life above. Freq. 50Hz 120Hz 1kHz 10kHz 20kHz UR Rated Ripple Cur...
2-pin Types: 381L and 381LX. 4-pin or 5-pin Types: 383L and 383LX Types 381L, 383L, 381LX & 383LX 105 ºC High-Ripple Snap-In Adding longer-life and more ripple capability to the excellent value of Type 380L/LX capacitors, the 381L/LX readily handles tough switching power ...
2-pin Types: 381L and 381LX. 4-pin or 5-pin Types: 383L and 383LX Types 381L, 383L, 381LX & 383LX 105 ºC High-Ripple Snap-In Adding longer-life and more ripple capability to the excellent value of Type 380L/LX capacitors, the 381L/LX readily handles tough switching power ...
Shelf-life can be a ected by moisture, di erential adsorption of reactive components by llers and inhibitory e ects of trace impurities. Empirical adjustments of catalyst and hydride levels are made to compensate for these e ects. Compounding- All but the lowest consistency elastomers are ...
Load Life Shelf Life D> 12mm 8000 Hrs. Capacitance Change Dissipation Factor Leakage Current <25% of initial measured value <200% of maximum specified value -100% of maximum specified value 1000 hours at 105°C with no voltage applied
(Impedance Ratio @ 120Hz) Z -40°C/+20°C Load Life @ 105°C Case Size 5mm ~ 6.3mm 8mm ~ 10mm 12.5mm ~ 18mm 6.3V ~ 10V 16V ~ 100V 4,000 hrs 6,000 hrs 8,000 hrs 5,000 hrs 7,000 hrs 10,000 hrs Appearance Capacitance Change Tan δ Leakage Current Appearance Shelf Life ...