The information in this article can help you when you receive the following error message: "Error Has Occurred. Hold down the Power Button to turn the power off." Note:Learn more about what to do when this error message is receivedwhile configuring an e-mail for use with ...
求大神帮我解决下an erro买了个二手的3DS,然后点开格式化,刚点开就出现下面这段英文an error has occurred.Hold down the POWER Button to turn off the power
麻烦问下刚才试了下N..下面显示an error has occurred. hold down the power button,重试了好几次,第一次用NTR,加载的3.2和3.3都绿闪了一下黑屏了,我的是2DS A9破解
system error applet was updated (shows the error has occurred screen)this is were it gets interesting this breaks booting 8.0.0-18 on physical on or below 4.x systems where the key-data for the v7.0 crypto wasn't initialized correctly. This means it breaks getways 3ds flash card thing so...