3dcascade_final.zip 3dcascade_final.zip (1090.29M) 下载 File Name Size Update Time fold0/iter_30000/model.pdparams 123155809 2022-08-07 17:45:56 fold0/iter_30000/model.pdopt 123151995 2022-08-07 17:45:56 fold1/iter_30000/model.pdparams 123155809 2022-08-07 19:41:11 fold1/iter_30000...
3D-EPN 0.428 0.484 0.634 0.506 Varley [60] 0.234 0.317 0.543 0.236 SnowFlakeNet 0.548 0.624 0.736 0.633 SeedFormer 0.542 0.613 0.727 0.628 3D-RecGAN++ 0.581 0.640 0.745 0.667 3DCascade-GAN 0.624 0.669 0.773 0.682 CE Bench Chair Couch Table 3D-EPN 0.087 0.107 0.138 0.102 Varley [60] 0.103 ...
I created a custom data split following the instructions from the documentation. My split consist of three folds, as there are only three independent sets possible due to the structure of my data. The training for the the 3d_fullres and ...
Cascade3d - providing big data analytics and BI solutions since 2002. Our core competency is deriving business insight from diverse datasets specialising in beh…
•智能医疗。 Cascade3d 希望将其分析集成到物联网平台中,以便收集、过滤和分析来自传感器的数据,从而转变和优化专业医疗保健。 • 教育。物联网解决方案被认为非常复杂,对于技术水平较低的人来说可能会令人生畏,因此在医疗保健行业采用需要教育以及低使用门槛。
Rezaei M and Klette R 2011 3D cascade of classifiers for open and closed eye detection in driver distraction monitoring. In Proc CAIP LNCS 6855, pp. 171-179.Mahdi Rezaei, Reinhard Klette, "3D cascade of classifiers for open and closed eye detection in driver distraction monitoring", In Proc...
I want to test the performance of the Brats dataset on 3d_lowres and 3d_cascade_fullres network, and when I execute these commands directly, I will be prompted that they do not need to be used. I changed self.how_much_of_a_patient_must_the_network_see_at_stage0 = 4 to self.how...
CAD软件下的3D建模库---Open CASCADE 的编译 由于公司项目需求,要求软件可以读取其它软件生成的STEP文件(这种文件保存着某种物体的3D模型,STEP指Standard for the Exchange of Product model data)并显示在UI上。目前公司选择了开源的Open CASCADE库来实现需求。现将编译过程记录下来,以备参考。(根据Open CASCADE官方文...
GeomAPI包中的PointsToBSpline类允许构建一个3D BSpline曲线,该曲线逼近一组点。需要定义曲线的最低和最高次数,它的连续性和公差。公差值用于检查点彼此之间是否太近,或者切向量是否太小。 生成的BSpline曲线将是C2或二次数连续的,除非在曲线通过的点上定义了切线约束。在...