2Dでは設計過程での認識の誤差が発生し易く、それに伴う手戻りが設計、施工共に起こってしまうという課題がありますが、 3D及び3Dレーザスキャナを用いる事で、設計過程における認識の誤差及び設計ミスの減少することが出来ます。。 特に、古いプラントにおいては、図面が残ってい...
Top Autodesk CAD software for architecture, engineering, and construction Plan, design, construct, and manage buildings with powerful tools for Building Information Modeling. Product details Simplified 3D BIM tool for producing 3D architectural designs and documentation ...
The PARTcommunity CAD download portal is an online library for 2D & 3D CAD models of supplier- and standard parts for all CAD formats. PARTcommunity is a library for 2D & 3D CAD models of supplier and standard parts.
On 3D ContentCentral, you can perform any of the following tasks, thereby saving you precious design time that you would otherwise spend designing 2D or 3D CAD models of supplier components from 2D catalogs (PDF or DWG files):Search for supplier components using part numbers, product names, ...
Clari3D is a cross-platform 3D viewer for CAD files with WebGL export for STL, WaveFront, 3DStudio, Cloud of Points, Step and other.
1.1 基于特征的简单3D-CAD模型 STAR-CCM+中的CAD几何可以使用内置的3D-CAD创建,一般先创建封闭草图,随后对草图进行拉伸、旋转等操作,创建实体。下面以官方文档中的显卡风扇毂为例逐步讲解,详细操作见帮助文档。 蓝色为默认草图线条颜色,水平与竖直约束标记为绘制过程中自动贴合的关系。
This report features 38 companies, including TurboCAD, Bricsys NV, Trimble Inc., SolidWorks Corp., Encore Software, CAD Schroer GmbH, Altair Engineering Inc., Graphisoft SE
3D CAD software brings designs to life. What is 3D CAD software? 3D CAD, or three-dimensional computer-aided design, is a technology for design and technical documentation, which replaces manual drafting with an automated process. With a computer, architects, engineers, and other professionals ca...
Download 3D Models for 3ds Max, Maya, Cinema 4D, Lightwave, Softimage, Blender, Solidworks, Inventor and other CAD 3D modeling and animation software.