CVPR'24 来自北京通研院的论文 “PHYSCENE: Physically Interactable 3D Scene Synthesis for Embodied AI”。 随着具身人工智能 (EAI) 研究的最新发展,对高质量、大规模交互式场景生成的需求日益增长。虽然之前的场景合成方法优先考虑生成场景的自然性和真实感,但场景的物理合理性和交互性基本上尚未得到探索。PHYSCENE...
In this chapter, we report a research project that supports the hypothesis that it is possible to encode aesthetic intent within a Declarative design environment in order to aid 3D scene synthesis. The aesthetic intent will have the form of stylistic principles. The aim of this project is to ...
RoomDreamer: Text-Driven 3D Indoor Scene Synthesis with Coherent Geometry and organization: Apple Inc & University at Buffalo accept: ACM Multimedia 2023 TL;DR 输入:3D scene + text prompt("a modern indoor design") 输出:new 3D scene (both texture and geometry...
The synthesis of 3D scenes is a very complicated task in computer graphics. In general, there is a lack of systems that would enable users to utilise aesthetic aspects during the early stages of scene synthesis. The synthesis of aesthetic character of a scene is a complex and intrinsic problem...
Indoor scene synthesis has become a popular topic in recent years. Synthesizing functional and plausible indoor scenes is an inherently difficult task since it requires considerable knowledge to both choose reasonable object categories and arrange object
标题:Mixed Diffusion for 3D Indoor Scene Synthesis 作者:Siyi Hu, Diego Martin Arroyo, Stephanie Debats, Fabian Manhardt, Luca Carlone, Federico Tombari 机构:MIT、谷歌、TUM 原文链接: 代码链接: ...
PhyScene: Physically Interactable 3D Scene Synthesis for Embodied AI CVPR 2024 Highlight ⭐ Yandan Yang✶, Baoxiong Jia✶, Peiyuan Zhi, Siyuan Huang For more information, please visit our project page. ⚙️ Installation & Dependencies Check for installation details. 🛒 Prep...
Previous scene text image synthesis methods [1-3] showed the potential of the synthetic data in scene text detection and recognition. The essential target of the scene text synthesizers is to generate scene text images similar to real-world images. In the previous methods [1,2], static backgr...
Stereo vision for view synthesis We propose a new method for view synthesis from real images using stereo vision. The method does not explicitly model scene geometry, and enables fast and ... D Scharstein - Cvpr IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision & Pattern Recognition 被引量: ...
We present an approach to infer a layer-structured 3D representation of a scene from a single input image. This allows us to infer not only the depth of the visible pixels, but also to capture the texture and depth for content in the scene that is not di