《3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing》的审稿周期:3个月(非官方)。 10.版面费 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing是一本接受开放获取期刊。需要版面费$3,600 USD。 11.网址信息 期刊官网:https://home.liebertpub.com/publications/3d-printing-and-additive-manufacturing/621/ 投稿链接:https://home.lie...
3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing是关于快速发展的三维打印和相关技术领域的唯一同行评审期刊。该杂志全面报道了在医学、教育、食品和建筑领域应用的学术研究和工业及商业发展,它还探讨了新出现的挑战和机遇,从工艺和材料的新发展,到新的模拟和设计工具,以及丰富的应用和案例研究。 01 基本信息 期刊ISSN:2329-7662...
3D PRINTING AND ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING 是关于快速发展的3D打印和相关技术领域的唯一同行评审期刊。该杂志全面涵盖了在医学、教育、食品和建筑领域应用的学术研究以及工业和商业发展。它还探讨了新出现的挑战和机遇,从工艺和材料的新发展到新的仿真和设计工具,以及信息丰富的应用和案例研究。 期刊封面 ISSN号:2329-7662...
《3d Printing And Additive Manufacturing》(3d 打印和增材制造)编辑部通讯方式为140 HUGUENOT STREET, 3RD FL, NEW ROCHELLE, USA, NY, 10801。如果您需要协助投稿或润稿服务,您可以咨询我们的客服老师。我们专注于期刊咨询服务十年,熟悉发表政策,可为您提供一对一投稿指导,避免您在投稿时频繁碰壁,节省您的宝贵时...
《3d Printing And Additive Manufacturing》是一本由MARY ANN LIEBERT, INC出版商出版的专业工程技术期刊,该刊创刊于2014年,刊期4 issues/year,该刊已被国际权威数据库SCIE收录。在中科院最新升级版分区表中,该刊分区信息为大类学科:工程技术 3区,小类学科:材料科学:综合 3区;工程:制造 4区;在JCR(Journal Citati...
Introducing the 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing Zone at MACH – The dedicated zone has a strong emphasis on the ability of the technology to revolutionise the productive resources of UK manufacturers and transform the digital supply chain. Exhibiting in the specialised additive area increases th...
Learn about 3D Printing & Additive Manufacturing solutions for Automotive, Aerospace, Medical, Dental, Education and Consumer Products for your business.
3D Printing Additive Manufacturing for Engineers... There has been a lot reported about 3D Printing, both within engineering and in the wider media. It’s fair to say some of it is hype, whilst on the other hand other aspects are incredibly useful, and some even potentially dangerous!
Additive manufacturing (AM) already has many industrial uses, with more being discovered every year. AM combines printing technologies, computer-assisted design, and post-production processing to create usable components.
While the terms “additive manufacturing” and “3D printing” are sometimes used interchangeably, additive manufacturing is a broader term including several technologies. 3D printing is one of these technologies and is more likely to refer to non-industrial applications. Show more - Description ...