Raise3D Pro3 Plus商用工业级FDM双色三维3d打印机批发工业打印机 FFF 双色 北京艾科恒通科技发展有限公司 4年 查看详情 面议 【摩方精密】-提供高精度光固化3D打印设备及微纳加工 厂家直销 全新 重庆摩方精密科技有限公司 查看详情 ¥5000.00/台 广东深圳 Adventuretech 3D-LB-Printer-精细直写3D打印设备入门版...
This 3D printer comes with: Essential parts required to operate the printer A coil of filament Zortrax starter kit Z-SUITE software Price $1,990.00 + - Add to Cart Talk to an expert The estimated lead time is 5-10 business days. ...
The M200 Plus combines Zortrax performance and reliability with new high-end features, making it the desktop 3D printing solution for rapid manufacturing. With its M200 Plus 3D printer, Zortrax kept everything that makes the original M200 special--the r
3D Systems provides comprehensive products and services, including 3D printers, print materials, software, on-demand manufacturing services, and healthcare solutions.
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Zortrax M200 Plus is a Plug & Play 3D printer, ready to work right out of the box. It can be controlled manually via an intuitive touchscreen or remotely over Wi-Fi or Ethernet network. Previews of digital models loaded into its expandable memory are displayed on the screen to make select...
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SUNLU/三绿T3 3d打印机高精度3D printer桌面级家用儿童教育创客大尺寸DIY套件fdm打印模型升级高速准工业级 模型 阜阳菲勒品牌 阜阳菲勒科技有限公司 2年 查看详情 ¥9.57万/件 广东广州 领创三维LEADER3D打印机光固化工业级大尺寸大型4K鞋模动漫手办高精度光敏树脂UV固化红蜡高速打印厂家 大型 阜阳菲勒品牌 阜阳菲...