Watch These Bionic 3D -Printed Coral Lamps ByGeeetech 07/12/2020 It’s one thing to create attractive and functional light fixture, and quite another thing to make a stunning light using algorithms that copy coral growth patterns. Industrial designer John Mauriello,based in San Francisco,broke ...
French designer Audrey Large has been named emerging designer of the year at theDezeen Awards 2023ceremony.More Studio RAP uses 3D-printed tiles to create facade informed by knitwear Dutch architecture practiceStudio RAPhas designed a "wave-like" facade fromceramictiles for a boutique store inAmsterd...
These are the latest 3D models added to our community. Check back often to find the newest things to 3D print! See More Designs Featured 3D Designer DanielNoree Daniel Noree is a 3D Printing evangelist and Open Source advocate. Author of The OpenR/C Project and The OpenRailway Project. ...
3Ds MAX、Maya、Alias、Rhino、Solid works、UG、PROE、CATIA、Sketchup、C4D建出的模型都可以用于3D打印...
show=objects 4、夹持器: 5、 幽灵独角兽: 6、 镂空圆筒花瓶: 7、 螳螂夹:...
We’ve learned a lot while running our 3D printing marketplace, and with the help of our talented community, we’ve worked hard to compile all that knowledge and experience into one place. So, if you’re new to the additive manufacturing world or want to become a 3D designer on Pinshape...
Altium Co-designer+DigiPCBA+SolidWorks+Keyshot联合渲染PCB 17.7万 239 6:58 App “原”神启动:核电站如何花式烧开水? 2179 8 10:54 App 波粒二象性的倒塌,中微子的存在摧毁了这个实验的基础,一切都是粒子在中微子海洋中的衍射波动。 32.2万 627 4:03 App 极度舒适!液压机碾压合集,全程丝滑解压 20.6万 43...
print printed printer prints References in periodicals archive ? With the metal additive manufacturing market experiencing a stage of high-growth, Machine Shops are starting to look into Compact Industrial Metal 3D printer as a necessary addition to existing CNC machining, and are investigating how to...
Altium Designer本身是没有直接3D打印功能的,你要安装一个专门的3D打印插件。我选择了“3DPrint”插件,它非常易于安装,直接在Altium Designer的插件管理器中搜索“3DPrint”,下载并安装即可。安装完成后,记得重启Altium Designer,让新插件生效。 2. 设置3D打印参数 ...
2014年12月21日,俄罗斯3D打印机制造商PICASO 3D宣布推出一款拥有革命性3D打印头的3D打印机Designer PRO 250。 与常见的拥有双挤出机的3D打印机不同,PICASO的Designer PRO 250可以以极快的速度切换材料—0.25秒,而大多数3D打印机则需要5秒左右,速度快了20倍。快速切换能够提升3D打印质量。