03-30-2015 07:28 pm new to autocad but once i have started my project now and trying to add features, etc. nothing works as the tutorials because they are start wiith basic lines, solids, etc. i have a polyline that i need to convert to a surface. when i click on th...
这是默认设置。 SURFACE — 创建表示输入要素之间共享面的多面体表面。 POLYLINE — 创建表示输入要素之间共享边的折线。 8. Intersect 3D Line With Multipatch(3D 线与多面体相交) 确定并返回线与多面体要素之间几何交集的数量。可选择性地将表示交集的点要素和表示在此类点分开的输入线的线要素写入输出要素类中。
这是默认设置。 SURFACE — 创建表示输入要素之间共享面的多面体表面。 POLYLINE — 创建表示输入要素之间共享边的折线。 8. Intersect 3D Line With Multipatch(3D 线与多面体相交) 确定并返回线与多面体要素之间几何交集的数量。可选择性地将表示交集的点要素和表示在此类点分开的输入线的线要素写入输出要素类中。
The input polygon or polyline feature class. Feature Layer out_length_field (Дополнительный) The name of the attribute field to contain the surface length. String sample_distance (Дополнительный) The surface spacing at which the length is calculated. By defa...
I try to load geojson (type MultiLineString), Via GeoJsonDataSource.load method. the polyline that were create has penetrated the surface, I want them to stop at surface height. one position should be above the ground and the other on the ground. I added the code below for reproduce ...
# Desired properties separated by semi-colonsProp="Z_MIN;Z_MAX"elifdesc.shapeType=="Point":Prop="Z"elifdesc.shapeType=="Multipoint":Prop="Z_MIN;Z_MAX;Z_MEAN"elifdesc.shapeType=="Polyline":Prop="LENGTH_3D"# Execute AddSurfaceInformationarcpy.ddd.AddSurfaceInformation(fc,inSurface,Prop,...
如果选择不可以,你需要选择polyline,右击选择 EditSurfaceCovers Lines.( 12、未操作) 四、减小四、减小3D模型尺寸(续)模型尺寸(续) l设置2D 平面为Rectangle1,右 击选择Edit- DrawSweepAround Axis l注意:选择的模型需要设置 这 个操作 l按指定窗口中的参数输入。 四、减小四、减小3D模型尺寸(续)模型尺寸(续...
// if the mission was loaded successfully, move to the start position if (missionReady() && m_routeGraphic) { // create a polyline representing the route for the mission PolylineBuilder* routeBldr = new PolylineBuilder(SpatialReference::wgs84(), this); for (int i = 0; i < ...
If no field or expression is specified for extrusion, the surface elevation of the lowest or highest vertex is used to determine the elevation of the polyline or polygon. Points do not draw until a field is chosen. Optionally, click the Field drop-down list to choose a field from the laye...
MapToImageParameters MeasureAreaFromImageResult MeasureFromImageParameters MeasureLengthFromImageResult MultipartColorRamp NAMessage NetworkFeatureSet NetworkUrl OffsetParameters ParameterValue PlaceResult PlacesParameters PlacesQueryParameters PlacesQueryResult PointBarrier PolygonBarrier PolylineBarrier PrintParameters ...