整理有关 ArcGIS 10.1 3D分析工具箱中,3D Feature 工具箱中,各个工具的功能及注意事项。 1. Add Z information (添加 Z 信息) 各种几何类型的Z信息: Points- Z 值 Multipoints- Z 最小值、Z 最大值、Z 平均值、点计数 Polylines- Z 最小值、Z 最大值、Z 平均值、3D 长度、最小坡度、最大坡度、平...
整理有关 ArcGIS 10.1 3D分析工具箱中,3D Feature 工具箱中,各个工具的功能及注意事项。 1. Add Z information (添加 Z 信息) 各种几何类型的Z信息: Points- Z 值 Multipoints- Z 最小值、Z 最大值、Z 平均值、点计数 Polylines- Z 最小值、Z 最大值、Z 平均值、3D 长度、最小坡度、最大坡度、平...
"WINDOWSIZE","ZMIN","NONE","1")# Process: 删除 Terrain 点arcpy.DeleteTerrainPoints_3d("","","")# Process: 向 Terrain 添加要素类arcpy.AddFeatureClassToTerrain_3d("","")# Process: 更改 Terrain 分辨率界限arcpy.ChangeTerrain
Creates a new feature line from an offset and difference in elevation from a selected feature line, survey figure, polyline, or 3D polyline. Specify the offset distance, the side, and elevational difference or absolute elevation. Tutorial Exercise: Simplifying a Building Footprint Click Home ...
If the object is a 3D polyline with varying elevations, the first point is set to the specified elevation and the rest of the points are raised/lowered by the same relative amount so that the elevation differences between the points remain. To assign feature line elevations from a grading ...
Point features—Each XYZ coordinate will produce one point feature. Polyline features—The output will contain polyline features. Polygon features—The output will contain polygon features. String Z Factor (Optional) The factor by which z-values will be multiplied. This is typically used to convert...
Click to edit the displayed value, then enter the desired elevation or slope at the command line. 02:12 Next, in the drawing, locate the closed polyline already created in this example. 02:19 To turn it into a feature line, in the ribbon, Home tab, Create Design panel, 02:...
I have 3D polylines of utilities that contain object data that I want to convert to 2D polylines so they will display linetypes but I need to keep the object data that is assigned to the 3D polylines. Does anyone know of a process or lisp routine that can...
Back to Idea Board Previous Next Bert_Douma 02-01-2016 04:48 AM Implemented Linetypes on 3D polyline It would be GREAT if 3D polylines can have linetypes like normal polylines and featurelines... 3D POLYLINES Report 2 Votes Vote 10 Comments (10 New) POST A COMMENT ...
.ASCII3DToFeatureClass("Elevation Points","XYZI","elevation_points.shp","MULTIPOINT",z_factor=3.28,input_coordinate_system=sr,average_point_spacing=2.5,file_suffix="XYZ")#Create the break linesarcpy.ddd.ASCII3DToFeatureClass("brklines.gen","GENERATE","breaklines.shp","POLYLINE",z_factor=...