01 应用场景 由于CAD图形来源复杂,有时出现3D polyline(以下统称PL)和2D PL混合的情况,两类线条即使视觉上相交,也无法合并。一般情况下,需要将3D PL转换为2D PL,便于进一步工作。 图中绿线与白线无法合并 02 需要工具 插件名:pline-3d-2d.lsp 链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1N3jd_QDsicHzOJSv5ZGyRA提取码...
原贴:3D Polyline to 2D polyline 问题:怎样将三维多段线转换为二维多段线(3D Polyline to 2D ...
I have 3D polylines of utilities that contain object data that I want to convert to 2D polylines so they will display linetypes but I need to keep the object data that is assigned to the 3D polylines. Does anyone know of a process or lisp routine that can...
07版本以上的,点击修改命令后,提示选择,点击修改的线段 接着出现提示修改成多段线、2dpolyline等 直接...
我以前生成多段线都是Polyline 但是现在生成多段线都是2D Polyline了,变成二维多段线了,无论是炸开...
▶<QMapViewDelegate > ▶QMultiPoint ▶<QOverlay > ▶QOverlayPathView ▶QOverlayView ▶QPinAnnotationView ▶QPointAnnotation QPolygon ▶QPolygonView QPolyline ▶QPolylineView ▶QShape ▶QStyledPolylineView ▶QUserLocation 类索引 ▶类继承关系 ▶类成员 ▶文件构造...
经过我自己的测试, 论坛中的方法可行: 1-GET Polyline FROM Alignment WITH GetPolyli 阅读全文 posted @ 2023-11-18 09:45 david96007 阅读(53) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑 Civil 3d 创建装配并添加、镜像部件 摘要:英文论坛中有人提的问题, 问题我也看不懂, 就截图回复了一下, 后来他进一步描述了问题,...
可以通过选择工具栏中的不同形状来进行 2D 绘图: 二维图形绘制工具 我们选择折线(polyline)用于绘制 XX 的基本形状: 折线 Left click to place a point, right click to release the tool. 选取一个起始点,左键单击开始划线,右键单击结束划线。 我们从原点开始画,左键单击开始,中间拐弯也是左键,最后回到原点,绘...
MapToImageParameters MeasureAreaFromImageResult MeasureFromImageParameters MeasureLengthFromImageResult MultipartColorRamp NAMessage NetworkFeatureSet NetworkUrl OffsetParameters ParameterValue PlaceResult PlacesParameters PlacesQueryParameters PlacesQueryResult PointBarrier PolygonBarrier PolylineBarrier PrintParameters ...
// if the mission was loaded successfully, move to the start position if (missionReady() && m_routeGraphic) { // create a polyline representing the route for the mission PolylineBuilder* routeBldr = new PolylineBuilder(SpatialReference::wgs84(), this); for (int i = 0; i < ...