Clari3D is very optimized in term of memory footprint; it uses for this purpose a custom 3D data structure and a custom renderer developed for years. In addition, when this is possible, some user interactions are in fact performed in 2D, over the 3D model. This is the case in the quot...
Here are a few things to keep in mind while you are preparing 3D content for Adobe Aero. To prepare your 3D content for Aero, remember that simpler your 3D model is, the better it will perform in Aero. Aero supports models up to 130K Polygons. New to 3D content? AR relies on princ...
其中,真值数据不具有最后一项,结果数据是否截断、是否遮挡对应数据无效。 t*在函数toPolygon中用到了,但是含义不清楚;ry的含义也不清楚。 evaluate_object_3d_offline.cpp 这一部分记录了evaluate_object_3d_offline.cpp文件的学习笔记,包括其中的主函数、用于评估总过程的eval函数、定义存储信息含义的结构体tBox\tGrou...
CGAL (n-D geometry, 2D/3D spherical geometry, n-D convex hull, 2D/3D/spherical booleans, 2D minkowski sums, 2D polygon partition/offset/skeleton, 2D curve intersection, 2D/3D envelopes, 2D/3D triangulation, 2D/3D alpha shapes, 2D delaunay/voronoi/apollonius/conforming delaunay/conforming gabrie...
Crop point cloud: cropped_pc = polygon_volume.crop_point_cloud(pc) Paint point cloud: pc.paint_uniform_color([1, 0.5, 0]) Point cloud distance and selection: dists = pc1.compute_point_cloud_distance(pc2), pc.select_by_index(ind) Bounding volumes (AABB, OBB): pc.get_axis_aligned_bo...
The patch is composed of polygons by using vertices and faces to be connected to each other by using the data calculated by isosurface and isocaps and outputs the data to the screen in three dimensions. A p-FMMD image was acquired from every 15th slice, from slices 135 to 345. The p-...
(with surface nornal)如果需要,可以用poisson surface reconstruction将dense point cloud转化为polygon---...
2D images appear flat because the dimension of depth in these images is so small compared to their width and height that the brain does not register it. 2D also refers to figures in mathematics, such as lines and polygons that have no dimension of depth. ...
之后 大量工作在此基础上进行改进.Dachsbacher 提出 的 Reflective Shadow Mapping (RSM)[12] 改进了 VPL 生成算法,通过在光源处对场景进行光栅化, 一次计算可生成上千个 VPL.Luksch 使用 VPL 进行 KD 树聚类成 Virtual Polygon Lights[13],大大降 低了光源数量,使 Lightmap 计算可以在数分钟甚 至数秒内完成...
You need a polygon layer that describes the area of the flooding, also known as a flood boundary, for a particular flooding event, and a layer for each of the assets that might be affected. Find flood-affected buildings using the Select by location geoprocessing tool. Flood boundaries for ...