NAND Flash Memories。 对于3D Nand Flash TLC和QLC来说,数据随机化的作用可能比想象的要重要的多。因为制程越来越小,cell之间是越来越近了(1Xnm)。随机化基本的做法是把用户数据和seed在LSFR生成的数据执行一个异或操作,生成一组随机化序列,这个序列最好不要出现连续的0或者1,连续相同的1/0越少越好。seed是一...
对此,长江存储团队研究了3D NAND闪存的TRE问题的特点和机理,在实验分析的基础上,提出了一种物理模型来解释电沉积的物理机理,相关成果以“Analysis and Optimization of Temporary Read Errors in 3D NAND Flash Memories”发表于IEEE Electron Device Letters,夏仕钰为第一作者,霍宗亮和靳磊为共同通讯作者。 研究内容 ...
I N THE past few years,various3-D NANDflash memories have been demonstrated,from device feasibility to chip im-plementation,to overcome scaling challenges in conventional planar NANDflash devices[1]–[3].Fig.1(a)shows the scaling trend of NANDflash memory.According to the trend,the ...
32 G bit test chips with 16 stacked layers by 60nm P-BiCS flash process have been fabricated, and the functionality of Multi-Level-Cell (MLC) operation has been successfully demonstrated. P-BiCS is the most promising candidate of three-dimensional ultra high density data storage memories....
3D X-DRAM的单元阵列结构类似于3D NAND Flash,采用了FBC(无电容器浮体单元)技术,它可以通过添加层掩模形成垂直结构,从而实现高良率、低成本和显 著的密度提升。NEO 表示, 3D X-DRAM 技术可以生产 230 层的 128Gbit DRAM 芯片——是当前 DRAM 密度的八倍。3D X-DRAM 也是解决由下一波 AI 应用(例如 ...
9、Controller Technologies for Managing 3D NAND Flash Memories 这是一篇希捷(Seagate )在2017全球闪存峰会(Flash Memory Summit 2017)的报告。报告指出闪存行业正在从平面技术转向3D NAND技术,并且对比了SLC(Single-level cell) MLC(Multi-level cell) and TLC(Triple-level cell),得出3D NAND和TLC技术将会更进一步...
INTRODUCTION ‘03 24 Layers 32 Layers ~ 100 Layers In the past few years, various 3D NAND Flash memories have been demonstrated, from device feasibility to chip implementation, to overcome scaling challenges in conventional planar NAND Flash devices [1-3]. Fig. 1 shows the scaling trend of ...
176-Layer3D NAND Flash Memories Edward P.Wilcox,Member,IEEE,Matthew B.Joplin,Member,IEEE,Melanie D.Berg,Member,IEEE Abstract—Single-event effects testing(heavy-ion and proton)is presented for96-and176-layer commercially-available3D NAND flash memory,with emphasis on SEFI detection and recovery.Ind...
Established in Wuhan, the capital of central China's Hubei Province, in July 2016, YMTC (长江存储) is China's leading IDM of 3D NAND flash memory with comprehensive memory solutions.YMTC has entered Apple's supply chain and has supplied memories to the company's newly released iPhone model,...
K. Mizoguchi, T. Takahashi, S. Aritome and K. Takeuchi, “Data-Retention Characteristics Comparison of 2D and 3D TLC NAND Flash Memories,” 2017 IEEE International Memory Workshop (IMW), Monterey, CA, 2017, pp. 1-4. 昵称-单位-职务...