3DFY.aican generate 3D models based on textual descriptions. 3DFY.ai only creates models that fall into specific categories (such as lamps, sofas, dressers, and ottomans) and trains its AI model-generation tool extensively on each type. This approach allows the tool to intelligently fill in m...
许多海外网友也感慨“写真级3D”,“the pinnacle”(顶峰级),“best 3d generative AI”,“3d generation finally solved?”(3D生成最终解决)。 Unique3D从图像生成“写真级3D”过程 Unique3D生成的模型合集 而Unique3D的研发团队Aiuni AI,并非是顶级的科学家或大厂工程师团队,而是来自清华北大的平均年龄00年的团队。
Patch-based 3D Natural Scene Generation from a Single Example Weiyu Li(山东大学), Xuelin Chen(Tencent AI Lab) Jue Wang(Tencent AI Lab), Baoquan Chen(北京大学) 项目主页:http://weiyuli.xyz/Sin3DGen/ Github主页:https://github.com/wyysf-98/Sin3DGen We target a 3D generative model for ge...
本文引用格式: Tianrun CHEN, Runlong CAO, Zejian LI, Ying ZANG, Lingyun SUN, 2024. Deep3DSketch-im: rapid high-fidelity AI 3D model generation by single freehand sketches. Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering, 25(1):149-159. https://doi.org/10.1631/FITEE.2300314 本文...
4. 使用SV3D进行单图像3D生成(3D Generation from a Single Image Using 4.1. 3D优化策略和损失 4.2. 实验结果 5. 结论 想象一下,你只需要一张图片,就能生成该物体的高质量3D模型。这听起来是不是有点科幻?但最新的研究成果表明,这已经不再遥不可及。随着生成式AI技术的不断发展,从单张图像生成高质量3D模...
3d3d-generationtext-to-3d3d-aigc UpdatedJan 22, 2024 Python Score Jacobian Chaining: Lifting Pretrained 2D Diffusion Models for 3D Generation (CVPR 2023) 3d-generationdiffusion-models UpdatedMar 13, 2024 Python A colab friendly toolkit to generate 3D mesh model / video / nerf instance / multi...
SceneDreamer: Unbounded 3D Scene Generation from 2D Image Collections Zhaoxi Chen, Guangcong Wang, Ziwei Liu(S-Lab, 新加坡南洋理工大学) In this work, we present SceneDreamer, an unconditional generative model for unbounded 3D scenes, which synthesizes large-scale 3D landscapes from random noises....
始智AI wisemodel.cn开源社区 始智AI wisemodel.cn社区将打造成huggingface之外最活跃的中立开放的AI开源社区。欢迎《》以及《》。 1 Unique3D海外出圈,被外网媒体提名为最佳3D生成,由00后清北团队开发 最近清华姚班等学弟们搞了个超酷的3D生成模型,名叫Unique3D。模型在github、wisemodel和 Huggingface上已经开源了...
这一切都来源于清华大学计算机系朱军教授带领的 TSAIL 团队近期公开的一篇论文《ProlificDreamer: High-Fidelity and Diverse Text-to-3D Generation with Variational Score Distillation》: 论文链接:https://arxiv.org/abs/2305.16213 项目主页:https://ml.cs.tsinghua.edu.cn/prolificdreamer/ ...
Deep3DSketch-im: rapid high-fidelity AI 3D model generation by single freehand sketches. Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering, 25(1):149-159. https://doi.org/10.1631/FITEE.2300314 本文精要导读:...