Kapitel 2 konzentriert sich auf die Grundlagen von Blender. Wir werden uns die Schnittstelle anschauen und wie du mit Verknüpfungen in der Software navigierst. Wir werden auch lernen, Objekte zu bewegen, zu drehen und zu skalieren. 3. Grundlagen zum Modellieren Kapitel 3 wird sich...
publicclassMyRendererextendsRajawaliRenderer{publicMyRenderer(Contextcontext){super(context);}@OverrideprotectedvoidinitScene(){// 设置背景色为白色setBackgroundColor(1.0f,1.0f,1.0f);// 加载 3D 模型Object3Dmodel=newLoaderOBJ(getContext().getResources(),R.raw.my_model,true).parse();model.setPosition...
modelViewMatrix 可以代替viewMatrix * modelMatrix varying vec3 vPosition; void main(){ vPosition = position;// 顶点位置坐标插值计算 gl_Position = projectionMatrix * viewMatrix * modelMatrix * vec4(position,1.0 ); } `; const fragmentShader = ` varying vec3 vPosition; void main() { // ...
If, for example, it would be easy to use noise simulation tools (e.g., implementing the CNOSSOS-EU model) utilising 3D city models, the municipalities would likely start to use them. Table 2. Current applications (X) and planned future applications (F) of 3D city models in three ...
Once the classification model has converged or we reach 500 iterations we train each class individually on a new neural network, while saving tensor values for each network. An UML activity diagram in Figure 5 demonstrates this process. Due to automatization of very large quantities of models, ...
collaborative space instead of the number of trails sent to this space, because the 3D model could stay on the collaborative space for thFeortimleveetlh3e,pwaertuicsipedantthwe aamntoeudn, stoofthteimy editdhne'3t Dnemedodtoelbsepseenntdoinngthitetocotlhlaebcoorlalatibvoerasptiavceesipnasctee...
Particle Size Distribution Particle size distribution of the SAC was measured by a particle size analyzer (BECKMAN COULPTarEtRic'lseLsSiz1e33d20is,tBriebcuktmioannoCfotuhleteSrAInCc.,wPaassamdeenasau, rCeAd, bUySAa )p. article size analyzer (BECKMAN COULTER's LS13320, Beckman Coulter Inc.,...