3D Extruder是一个aftereffects脚本,用来在AE中直接创造高品质的3D挤出效果,采用2.5D堆叠层的方式(所有过程都是自动的)。这样做的好处是你的3D挤出模型是你After Effects中三维空间的一部分,所以他们与其他3D图层是完全互动的。支持After Effects CS4以及更高版本。 3D Extruder is a script that makes light work ...
3D Extruder Free (Ae Script) Brand new After Effects Script that allows you to add 3D depth to your 2D animations. Extrude any object in 3D space with just one click, all you have to do is select the layer(s) set the desired depth, and click on Extrude. Yes, it is that simple!
Appliquez les animations de texte prédéfinies d’Adobe After Effects pour faire apparaître progressivement un titre 3D flottant dans l’espace. Le moteur de rendu Cinema 4D permet d’extruder le texte en 3D, puis d’ajouter des lumières pour éclai
Clay is of great interest as a 3D printing material thanks to its ease of use, recyclability and reusability. This paper analyses the technical aspects of the whole printing process. The behaviour of 3D printing clay is studied with respect to the enviro
After Effects crée une caméra ainsi qu’un nœud parent supplémentaire dans la composition à pixels carrés. Le nœud parent contient uniquement les données de transformation de caméra. After Effects importe les caméras à 2 nœuds automatiquement avec le nœud de localisateur comme...
Utilisez le moteur de rendu Cinema 4D pour extruder du texte 3D. Vous savez maintenant comment créer un logo 3D extrudé avec le texte d’une composition. Pour créer une géométrie avec une profondeur de champ 3D, vous devez utiliser le système de rendu Cinema 4D. Cliquez sur Changer de...
Most 3D printer filament soaks up water from the air, and when it does, the water passing through the extruder nozzle can expand, bubble, and pop, causing all kinds of mayhem and unwanted effects in the print. This is why reels come vacuum sealed. Some people 3D print so much that they...
Different matrix polymers, plasticizers and fillers were used to improve printability while lubricants were essentially used to reduce friction between filament and walls of the printing extruder (51). As a result of multicomponent formulation, high drug-load filaments with good mechanical properties can...
150 NaCl, 0.05% Tween20) and after brief sonication (1 min in water bath) and three cycles of freeze–thawing (−196 °C and 50 °C), the liposome solution was passed 11 times through a polycarbonate membrane with a 400 nm pore size in a mini extruder (Avanti Polar Lipids...
Extruder Swappable direct-drive print heads, quick-swap Revo nozzles 0.25 to 0.8mm diameter, 1.75mm filament compatible Nozzle compatibility All Revo nozzles are hardware compatible. Note that some Revo nozzles are not supported and may require creating a custom slicer profile. Maximum filament flow...