Colombi A, Scianna M, Preziosi L (2015) A measure-theoretic model for collective cell migration and aggregation. Math Model Nat Phenom 10(1):4–35 Article MathSciNet Google Scholar Colombi A, Scianna M, Preziosi L (2017) Coherent modelling switch between pointwise and distributed representation...
This is further supported by the pattern that the TEs resided in the DC or PE state, but not other states (Supplementary Fig. 9m), tend to be significantly (P-value = 1.19e−08, two-sided Wilcoxon test) younger than those on chrXA and autosomes (Fig. 5h). In addition, ...
56. We, therefore, hypothesised that process outgrowth and cell migration might respond to different nutrient conditions and small molecular treatment, such as DAPT. To address this, we cultured implanted explants under four conditions: condition A and B, with and without DAPT. Using fluorescent...
(C) 3D bioprinting-based cell culture starting with (i) the selection/sorting of cells for bioprinting, and (ii) preparation of a cell-laden bioink (often mixture of a precursor hydrogel and cells). Next, (iii) the bioink is deposited in a preprogrammed pattern (computer-aided design, CAD...
We speculate that geometrically dependent electrical conductivity of patterned sections can be further used in combination with the ability to selectively pattern encapsulated cells in hydrogel matrices, which will result in selective improvement of cell signaling35,36. Furthermore, we have shown that ...
a biological process in which polarized epithelial cells undergo a phenotypic switch into a mesenchymal cell phenotype [28]. Upon this switch, cells are prone to enhanced migratory capacity, invasiveness, greater resistance to apoptosis, and increased production of ECM components [28]. This is trigge...
A T-cell-dominant gene-expression signature was associated with the host response to severe influenza pneumonia. Genes linked to the cell cycle and its regulation, were the main determinants of the host response in influenza infection. The search for an immune response specific pattern to bacterial...
Typescript: update incorrect SwitchChangeEvent type (5dd2f2e4b7 by @retyui) Make yarn and yarn jest react-native-codegen works on Windows with git (c4f9556f7e by @ZihanChen-MSFT) Refactor in turbo module TypeScript codegen: process (T), T|U, T|undefined and related stuff ...
Cancer stem cells in squamous cell carcinoma switch between two distinct phenotypes that are preferentially migratory or proliferative. Cancer Res. 2011;71(15):5317–26. 15. Liu X, Fan D. The epithelial–mesenchymal transition and can- cer stem cells: functional and mechanistic links. Curr Pharm...
This is further supported by the pattern that the TEs resided in the DC or PE state, but not other states (Supplementary Fig. 9m), tend to be significantly (P-value = 1.19e−08, two-sided Wilcoxon test) younger than those on chrXA and autosomes (Fig. 5h). In addition, ...