Library Challenges Groups Questions Tutorials Engineers Blog Log in Join 14,660,000 engineers with over 6,380,000 free CAD filesJoin the Community RecentAll time Category Software Tag:open-source× Advertisement December 2nd, 2024 DIY Portable Weather Stat... ...
FreeCAD: Powerful open source CAD for Mac ZBrushCoreMini: Best free CAD program for sculpting SketchUp: Excellent for Furniture, Interior & Landscape CAD Fusion 360: Best 3D Mac free CAD software for professionals Onshape: Powerful 3D CAD that’s free on Mac Which Free CAD Software is NO...
另外若只是單純想找個基本的小型平面 CAD 軟體來使用,不想勞師動眾的,則可試試 CadStd Lite 與gCAD3D,不過這幾個免費軟體除了 gCAD3D 外都只支援 Windows 平台而已。在 Linux 平台的話,可以安裝 Open Source 的 lignumCAD 或自行下載編譯 QCad Community Edition 來使用,可惜 QCad 只支援 DXF 檔案格式的輸出...
The 2000s marked an emergence of open-source CAD systems such as FreeCAD. In addition, new features and modules were developed for a variety of CAD programs that allowed designers to not only develop the physical product, but also render, animate, and simulate it, as well as integrate produ...
Freedom to build what you wantFreeCAD is an open-source parametric 3D modeler made primarily to design real-life objects of any size. Parametric modeling allows you to easily modify your design by going back into your model history to change its parameters. ...
cad图纸 su模型 贴图材质 用ThingJS轻松制作三维全景图,3D宏观场景和全景微观场景无缝融合,全景图漫游浏览自动同步3D视角,支持超高清全景照片,360×180全景照片上传即可自动处理为3D全景应用| 来自 360广告 3d设计素材,熊猫办公海量原创素材,多种样式,快速下载,助您提高...
Dune 3D is a parametric 3D CAD application that supports STEP import/export, fillets and chamfers. Motivation So why another open-source 3D CAD application when FreeCAD and Solvespace exist? My primary use case for 3D CAD is designing 3D-printed enclosures for my electronics projects. I often...
Look no further! Scan2CAD releases its own packs offree cut-ready DXF downloadsevery week. And to make sure you’re first in line for the latest CAD freebies and tips, keep an eye on ourblog! Featured image source:Ford GT 3D model...
Gmsh 是一个基于C++开发的,主要是CAD相关的模型后处理,如reparametrization、remeshing等,偏计算机图形学。 MeshLab MeshLab 是开源的,是基于C++的,目前的大都是基于GUI的使用,尤其在Ubuntu下面,是一个很好的显示软件。 MEPP MEEP是一个mesh处理的开源库,功能上有点类似MeshLab,也是基于C++的。
Keywords:3D Printing; Open-Source Hardware; License Copyright; Patent Right 一、问题的引出 “3D打印”(3 Dimensional Printing, 3DP),亦称“增材制造”(Additive Manufacturing),系指3D打印机以数字模型文件——CAD文档为基础,通过将原材料沉积、黏合为材料叠层...