3B Pharmaceuticals GmbH is a privately held pharmaceutical R&D company based in Berlin, Germany.
//cdn2.together.ch/uploads/company_logo/file/24146db4eb48c718b84cae0a0799dcfc/1581332085/small_johnson.jpg" alt="Small johnson"/> Einblick in die Herstellung eines Pharmaproduktes Design Thinking in einem globalen Industrieunternehmen...
Berlin, 9—11 January 2015, co-organised by Jonas Staal) was ambiguous in that 'artist organisations' can refer to a wide range of practices, from artists' collectives (such as Gulf Labor), to organisations created by individual artists (...
Pain Med 2015;1:1–7. [2] Dalal PG, Bosak J, Berlin C. Safety of the breast-feedinginfant after maternal anesthesia. Paediatr Anaesth 2014;24:359–371. [3] Andersen LW, Qvist T, Hertz J, et al. Concentrations of thi...
In the literature, it is widely discussed whether the pharmaceutical industry is going through an innovation crisis. Unfortunately, no comprehensive review
- Springer Berlin Heidelberg 被引量: 404发表: 1985年 Urgent monitoring of direct oral anticoagulants in patients with atrial fibrillation: a tentative approach based on routine laboratory tests The number of patients diagnosed with atrial fibrillation who will be candidates for antithrombotic therapy ...
H Pothe - Springer Berlin Heidelberg 被引量: 0发表: 1989年 [Hypoventilation test with pure oxygen after denitrogenation for the diagnosis of cerebral death. A preliminary study] Tondriaux A, Milhaud A, Lobjoie E, Groshens A. A Tondriaux,A Milhaud,E Lobjoie,... - Agressologie: revue ...
Ich war in Berlin und habe mit Scholz gesprochen. Europa braucht eine gemeinsame Lösung für die Energiekrise. Beide Seiten kämpfen um die Unentschlossenen. Die stellen mit 35 Prozent die größte Gruppe. Nach Jahren...
4月19日,安徽食药监局、卫计委联合发布《关于开展公立医疗机构药品采购推行“两票制”执行情况专项检查督查的通知》。有420个进口药品被紧盯上了! 安徽“两票制”专项督查,进口药是重点 4月19日,安徽食药监局、卫计委联合发布《关于开展公立医疗机构药品采...
P Adusei - Springer Berlin Heidelberg 被引量: 1发表: 2013年 AN EMERGENCY ON-DUTY ARRANGEMENT METHOD The present invention discloses an emergency on-duty arrangement method, used\nto deal with the\nstalemate that during the emergency duty in the emergency ... L Yan 被引量: 0发表: 2020年 ...