For an ideal 310-helix,n=2. The 310-helix hasC3vsymmetry. 310-Helix also shows three vibrational modes A, E1, and E2(Nguyen et al., 2009a). Only A and E1are both IR and Raman active. The phase of A mode is equal to 0° while the phase of E1mode is equal to 120° and ...
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Does the amino acid use at the terminal positions of an alpha-helix become altered depending on the context-more specifically, when there is an adjoining 3(10)-helix, and can a single helical cylinder encompass the resultant composite helix? An analysis of 138 and 107 cases of 3(10)-alpha...
Models for the 3(10)-helix/coil and pi-helix/coil equilibria have been derived. The theory is based on classifying residues into helical or nonhelical (coil) conformations. Statistical weights are assigned to residues in a helical conformation with an associated helical hydrogen bond, a helical ...
aRecently, the cycle of innovation has largely been associated with what scholars describe as the “Triple Helix” model, which combines government, business, and public research in the development of knowledge-based innovation systems. 最近,创新的周期主要同什么学者联系在一起描述作为“三倍螺旋”模型...
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Section > Chapter Pal, L.; Basu, G.; Chakrabarti, P. Proteins 48(3): 571-579 2002 ISSN/ISBN:0887-3585 12112680 10.1002/prot.10184 011633153 Article emailed within 0-6 h Buy Now for$19.90 Payments are secure & encrypted Abstract
Solvent Effects on the 3_10-/α-Helix Equilibrium in Short Amphipathic Peptides Rich in α,α-Disubstituted Amino Acids 1997 . Solvent effects on the 3 10 -/α-helix equilibrium in short amphipathic peptides rich in α, α-disubstituted amino acids . J Am Chem Soc ... TS Yokum,TJ ...
These oligopeptides, irrespective of the N-terminal group, were found to indicate formation of at least a partially 310-helical conformation for main-chain lengths as short as n = 4 and a fully developed 310-helix by n = 6 at high peptide concentrations. A 310-helical conformation for the ...
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