买了个2011pgt的3900x 我超他*** 电压1.41都稳不了4.45ghz 跑fpu立马黑 也不知道怎么回事 不过怎么设置各种都调整了什么冷又静关了 什么tdc.edc ppt都设置了 pbo邪术edc1 打lol监控单核最高4.4我日哦 送TA礼物 来自Android客户端1楼2020-06-20 23:21回复 冬冬...
However, PPT is 95% (of 142W), CPU Power 105W, TDC 87%-90% and EDC is 94% of 140A. These indicators appear red (TDC is yellow) in the ryzenmaster. Is this acceptable for longterm load? I'd just like to check that by running these I won't ruin the...
最新发现 PBO设置..最新发现 PBO设置邪术 3900x 单核能4.65g并非原创,是在国外某论坛上看到的。利用了某神秘bug。pbo依然属于超频,请自己判断风险。先全部auto,内存和fclk设置没关系,可以保持超频状态。然后从amd overclocking进去,pbo设置ppt -0tdc -0Edc - 1Scalar -
I forget the exact setting, but it was level3(OC) or something which pretty much diabled PPT and TDC at 4000+ but EDC was 145. I was getting around a 7125 on cb20 with EDC maxed out and seeming to be the limiting factor. I set PBO to manual in the bios and set PPT and TDC ...
I don't recall what the option was called off hand but my MB allowed configuration of PPT, TDC, and EDC based on CPU, Motherboard, Custom, Disabled. Also PBO had options to the effect of Disabled, Basic, and Enhanced. I set both to disabled in BIOS and got some increase in PRD up...
3900xpbo:先全部auto,内存和fclk设置没关系,可以保持超频状态。然后从amd overclocking进去,pbo设置 ppt -0 tdc -0 Edc - 1 Scalar - 10x Max... - 200mhz
正常的惹3950X的功耗默认情况下是锁120W的单核可以到4.7,全核会卡在3.8~3.9。你要突破这个频率有两个方法,1.自己锁频,2.开启PBO 11楼2020-09-30 16:56 收起回复 我的方法cosa 或跃在渊 7 开pbo bug设置ppt和edc到4096,tdc为1或者4096全核就能上去了,单核能跑到4.6左右,再把温度压一下,90度一般全...
Overclocking: PBO & All-Core In POV-Ray, running the 3900X at a flat 4.3GHz at 1.35V gives it a 8.2% performance boost over stock. Enabling PBO doesn’t make much difference in multi-threaded workloads for the 3900X as it’s still being limited by the 142W PPT limit. ...
进入Windows后打开Ryzen Master会看到”控制模式”被切换到了”精准频率提升”,即PBO模式上.同时上方PPT/TDC/EDC仪表盘对应的限制数值拉高到主板上限.当然也可以不通过修改BIOS设置,直接由Ryzen Master中选择PBO模式来启用. 实际性能表现方面,这边仍仅尝试使用过以Ryzen 9 3900X执行Cinebench R20的多线程跑分.但成绩...
进入Windows后打开Ryzen Master会看到”控制模式”被切换到了”精准频率提升”,即PBO模式上.同时上方PPT/TDC/EDC仪表盘对应的限制数值拉高到主板上限.当然也可以不通过修改BIOS设置,直接由Ryzen Master中选择PBO模式来启用. 实际性能表现方面,这边仍仅尝试使用过以Ryzen 9 3900X执行Cinebench R20的多线程跑分.但成绩...