盖子材质PTFE inner body/PP outer cap 盖子/塞子尺寸38-430 (GL38) 盖子颜色Blue Special Features4 x Luer 可高温高压灭菌Yes 描述Diba Omnifit® T-Series Solvent Waste Cap, GL38/38-430 (glass), 4 Luer ports and 1 venting port; 1/ea ...
上海玉博生物科技有限公司 主要致力于“玻璃细胞培养滚瓶(38-430旋盖) corning costar-1400-CAP”的生产销售。多年的“玻璃细胞培养滚瓶(38-430旋盖) corning costar-1400-CAP”生产与销售的经验,与各行业新老用户建立了稳定的合作关系,我公司经营的产品名称深受广大用户
38-430 PP CAP PP/SIL/PTFE CS24会员价请登录市场价¥2849.63原厂型号 06-450-100 贝雷猫货号 RH205346 品牌 Fisherbrand 单件重量 1kg 货期 3-45天 单位: 1包装 包装: 1包装 库存: 0 数量: 1包装 + - 11包装起订,增量11包装 加入购物车立即购买 累计成交0笔0条评价 商品信息 商品参数 评价(0...
英文别名: CLEAN-PAK GLASS JUGS, AMBER, 2400ML, 38- 430 CAP WITH TEFLON LINER (1PK=6)中文名: 中文别名: CBNumber: CB3629145 分子式: 分子量: 0 MOL File: Mol file 化学性质 安全信息 用途 供应商 0 CLEAN-PAK GLASS JUGS, AMBER, 2400ML, 38- 430 CAP WITH TEFLON LINER (1PK=6)化学性质...
描述Solvent Safety Funnel System with 4-L LDPE Bottle, 38-430 mm Cap Adapter, Detachable Base; 8" dia. 关于该商品的更多信息 Made of high-density polyethylene (HDPE), funnels are compatible with most chemical solvents and help keep emissions to near zero. I...
ECO. FUNNEL WITH SIZE 38-430 CAP AND & structure CAS No. Chemical Name: ECO. FUNNEL WITH SIZE 38-430 CAP AND & Synonyms ECO. FUNNEL WITH SIZE 38-430 CAP AND & CBNumber: CB41039863 Molecular Formula: Molecular Weight: 0 MDL Number: MOL File: Mol file Request For ...
0 商品信息商品参数评价(0) Black phenolic screw cap PTFE faced (14B) styrene-butadiene rubber liner provides totally inert inner seal and surface facing the sample or product Designed for the ultimate in product safety Autoclavable 无参数
商品信息 商品参数 评价(0) Black phenolic screw cap PTFE faced (14B) styrene-butadiene rubber liner provides totally inert inner seal and surface facing the sample or product Designed for the ultimate in product safety Autoclavable 无参数 ...
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