准备好要投稿的全景视频文件。如点击Open打开目标视频文件,并勾选图中选项点击Inject Metadata,选择文件保存路径和名称,点击保存开始注入出现如下提示表示注入成功:将保存好的新文件投稿,该视频可被识别为全景视频。那么工具在哪里呢?下载链接工具下载地址:(windows)
点击Inject Metadata,选择⽂件保存路径和名称,点击保存开始注⼊ 出现如下提⽰表⽰注⼊成功:将保存好的新⽂件投稿,该视频可被识别为全景视频。那么⼯具在哪⾥呢?下载链接 ⼯具下载地址:(windows)https://github.com/google/spatial- media/releases/download/v2.1/360.Video.Metadata.Tool.win....
That's because the 360 metadata are not contained in the video file. Before exporting videos from VSDC, check the "Embed 360 video information into file" box, then you'll get a file that enables the 360 playback on YouTube, Facebook, and other 360 video players. ...
Twitter, Snapchat, and other social media platforms are getting into the game as well. They're a great way to showcase your company and get people excited about what you have to offer. But, if your video is not working, it might as well be invisible. ...
video producer would format their video to one of the above projections, and then use YouTube's "Spatial Media Metadata Injector" tool (found here:https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/6178631?hl=en&ref_topic=2888648) to inject the code needed to inform YouTube that the video being ...
VRfix re injects 360º video metadata. If your footage isn’t displaying correctly and is showing flat, this will return it to display 360º. However it isn’t free Download it here for £4.29: Bracketing Vibrance HDR Vibrance HDR allows you to create high dynamic range (HDR) images...
Spherical Videometadata specification Spherical Video V2metadata specification VR180 Video FormatVR180 video format Spatial Media toolsfor injecting spatial media metadata in media files Releases2 Spatial Media Metadata Injector v2.1Latest Aug 27, 2018 ...
Connector Metadata Publisher KnowTia Concepts Corporation Website https://www.imprezian360.com Privacy policy https://www.imprezian360.net/privacy.htmlCreating a connectionThe connector supports the following authentication types:展開表格 Default Parameters for creating connection. All regions Not shareabl...
Inject the required metadata using theYouTube Spatial Media Metadata Injector. This is not as scary as it sounds, and it will enable both YouTube and Facebook to detect your video as 360˚ content. — First, download the YouTube Injector tool forMacorWindows. ...
Frontend (FE): user request access, query parsing and planning, metadata management, node management, etc. Backend (BE): data storage and query plan execution Both types of processes are horizontally scalable, and a single cluster can support up to hundreds of machines and tens of petabytes ...