mil lin yersago, dsite their big brainsandsharp te ool lve in con sa fe fmeat-etg animals. he big bas make it rder for the ody o moverond and cosum oreenergy. The irst uniue hchactriticis at humas hav rdiarily largbrans cpared wth othraimals.It seems obvios that voution shul ...
gODBEusDL788N/FL06jy39d7RJ30vPaUG1qQNh6uMGbUBlKn44UyWLRek0+KCfYtzrFk0S6E/gGI qYXH3hkPAU8Ng92pZ/PK0cvj+ldW1WYwfkXwkmkd3QaORKFIX4T9AUcVQEDxmmYpMIWk9g2kRVnK DFK55cagzzml/eyYMo3mb79gtGOx0HWwcDR+aUgoABQ7HVEgN2LXYj/kQLeThPiXWnCuXfA6ZnVS O/A9Dn1PRe+soejQEizlPpeFks5pwiBOR0P5...