为更好的进行干部综合素质的提高, 提升管理沟通能力,执行能力,从而使企业成长更加稳健,发展更加快速,故进行此次360度调查.360度反馈评估技术(360 degree feedback)又称多源反馈技术。它是由与被评价人有密切工作关系的人(包括被评价人的上级、同级、下级、自己)对被评价人进行匿名评价的综合评价系统,从而全面、客观...
THE EXECUTIVE PROFILE 360-DEGREE FEEDBACK QUESTIONNARE 領導能力 360°評價問卷 ° BOSS 上級領導的評價 PEER SELF DIRECT REPORT 下屬的評價 Please identify your relationship with the person you have just rated. 請標明您與您所評價的人之間的 關係。 ()Yourself 您自己 ()Boss 您的老闆 ()Peer 您的...
360-DEGREE FEEDBACK QUESTIONNARE 领导能力360谈论问卷 Please identify your relationship with the person you have just rated. 请注明您与您所谈论的人之间的关系。 〔〕Yourself Subordinate 您自己 〔〕Boss您的老板您的手下 〔〕Peer 您的同事 〔〕 INSTRUCTIONS 指导语 Introduction 介绍: 360 Degree survey ...
1、THE EXECUTIVE PROFILE360-DEGREE FEEDBACK QUESTIONNARE领导能力 360 评价问卷BOSS 上级领导的评价PEER SELF 同事的评价 自我评价DIRECT REPORT下属的评价Please identify your relationship with the person you have just rated请. 标明您与您所评价的人之间的关系。()Yourself 您自己 ()Boss您的老板 ()Peer您...
THE EXECUTIVE PROFILE 360-DEGREE FEEDBACK QUESTIONNARE 领导能力360评价问卷 Please identify your relationship with the person you have just rated. 请标明您与您所评价的人之 间的关系。 ()Yourself 您自己 ()Boss您的老板 ()Peer您的同事 ()Subordinate您的下属 BOSS 上级领导的评价 SELF 自我评价 DIR...
THEEXECUTIVEPROFILE 360-DEGREEFEEDBACKQUESTIONNARE 领导能力360(评价问卷 Pleaseidentifyyourrelationshipwiththepersonyouhavejustrated1>.请标明您与您所评价的人之间的关系。 ()Yourself您自己()Boss您的老板()Peer您的同事()Subordinate您的下属 INSTRUCTIONS 指导语 Introduction介绍: 360Degreesurveyisanapproachanda...
The person receiving the evaluations also fills out a self-rating questionnaire that includes the same survey questions that others receive in their forms. What are good reasons to use 360-Degree Feedback? It offers comprehensive insight, a holistic view of an employee's performance by ...
360度领导评估(DOC 7页).doc,THE EXECUTIVE PROFILE 360-DEGREE FEEDBACK QUESTIONNARE 領導能力360(評價問卷 Please identify your relationship with the person you have just rated. 請標明您與您所評價的人之間的關係。 ()Yourself 您自己 ()Boss您的老闆 ()Pe
Thank you for taking time to participate in the AMA Leadership 360 degree Evaluation. The score will be given by the appraisee’s boss, peers, subordinates and himself/herself with regard to his/her performance in leadership and management . The questionnaire is anonymous and confidential. All of...
Explore how 360-degree feedback surveys can foster team development and growth. Collect better 360-feedback with our survey template.