355nm脉冲紫外激光器规格 型号MODEL EPERT355-0.3-100 EPERT355-0.5-100 EPERT355-1-30 EPERT355-2-30 EPERT355-3-30 平均输出功率1(Average power) 0.3W 0.5W 1W 2W 3W 脉冲宽度1(Pulse width) <80ns@100kHz 脉冲重复频率 (Pulse repetition rate) 10-200 kHz 激光输出模式(Transverse mode) TEMoo...
脉宽Pulse Width (ns) <20ns (typical @50KHz) 使用寿命 Expected Lifetime (hours) >10000 重复频率 Repitition Rate(KHz) 20-200 保修期 Warranty Time 1 year 峰值功率 Peak Power (KW) 17.5 355紫外激光器 全固态355nm紫外激光器 超紧凑,寿命长, 而且操作简单在DNA中使用 ,测序,流式细胞仪,细胞分选...
品牌:榜首激光 型号:VA-375NM-300MW 运转方式:连续式 激励方式:电激励式 工作物质:半导体 波段范围:可见光 光路径:透过型外光路 输出形式:功率型 传输信号:单电源型 速度:高速 通道:其他 输出波长:375NMnm 线宽:0.1mm 加工定制:加工定制 激光器:符合国标 375nm激光器:378nm激光器...
高效率三倍频产生355nm皮秒激光的实验研究.PDF,高效率三倍频产生355 nm皮秒激光的实验研究 程梦尧 王兆华 何会军 王羡之 朱江峰 魏志义 Efficient third harmonic generation of 355 nm picosecond laser pulse Cheng Meng-Yao Wang Zhao-Hua He Hui-Jun Wang Xian-Zhi Zhu
铝紫外激光运输技术典型应用Supercontinuum generation(SC) of more than one octave spectrum spanning covering from 400 nm to 820 nm was achieved by pumping a piece of aluminum nitride(AIN) single crystal using a nanosecond 355 nm ultraviolet laser. The AlN with a thickness of ~0.8 mm was grown ...
A 355 nm nanosecond pulsed laser is utilized to induce optical break down of the air above the sol-gel SiO2 coating and the created shockwave removes the quartz particles. The laser cleaning efficiency η is above 90% when the gap distance d ranges from 0.5 to 1.5 mm. As d < 0.5 mm,...
Spectra-Physics, a Newport Corp. Brand, has announced an addition to its Pulseo family of Q-switched diode-pumped solid-state industrial lasers. The r
Laser Type UV Laser UV Laser Central Wavelength Nm 355 355 Average Output Power W 3 5 @30KHz Pulse Width ns <20 <20 @30KHz Pulse Repetition Rate KHz 10-200 10-200 M² <1.2 <1.2 Beam Diameter mm 1.0±0.1 1.0±0.1 Measured at window Beam full D...
457nm-分体型激光器-1~200mW 参数下载 波长Wavelength (nm) 457 功率稳定性Power Stability (RMS, over 8 hours) <5% 输出功率 Output Power (mW) 2,200 出光孔高度 Aperture Position (mm) 50 工作方式 Working Mode CW 激光器 Laser Head 尺寸 Dimensions (L×W×H, mm) 205 x 60 x 60 ...
355nm激光器(连续/脉冲) 355nm Lasers CW & Pulsed 355nm激光器 (连续、脉冲) Flow Cytometry Confocal Microscopy Bio-fluorescence Biological Threat Detection Photo Bleaching Inspection Spectral Linewidth 0.02nm 新势力光电