Convert other quantities from Japanese Yen to Euro JPY Convert EUR 1 JPY = 0.00630 EUR 1 EUR = 158.67000 JPY Back to the conversion of JPY to other currencies Other amounts - From JPY to EUR Convert 2400 JPY to EUR Convert 6000 JPY to EUR Convert 15000 JPY to EUR Convert 30000 JPY ...
12'quotesingle 13(parenleft 14)parenright 15*asterisk 16+plus 17,comma 18-hyphen 19.period 20/slash 210zero 221one 232two 243three 254four 265five 276six 287seven 298eight 309nine 31:colon 32;semicolon 33<less 34=equal 35>greater ...
The Japanese yen (円 or 圓 en, sign: ¥; code: JPY) is the official currency of Japan. It is the third most traded currency in the foreign exchange market after the United States dollar and the euro. It is also widely used as a reserve currency after the U.S. dollar, the euro...
欧元Euro 货币信息 欧元(€;ISO 4217代码EUR)是欧盟中17个国家的货币、这17国是奥地利、比利时、芬兰、法国、德国、希腊、爱尔兰、義大利、卢森堡、荷兰、葡萄牙、斯洛文尼亚、西班牙、馬爾他、塞浦路斯、斯洛伐克、愛沙尼亞合称为欧元区。目前共有3.3亿人使用欧元,如果加上与欧元固定汇率制的货币,欧元影响到全球4.8亿...