mysql 3306 port is already in use. 文心快码BaiduComate 当你在尝试启动MySQL服务时遇到“mysql 3306 port is already in use”的错误,这意味着3306端口已经被其他进程占用。以下是解决这个问题的详细步骤: 1. 确认3306端口是否正在被使用 你可以使用netstat或ss命令来检查3306端口的状态。 使用netstat: bash ...
In this video, learn how to fix the following issue: “MySQL port 3306 already in use Error / Another instance already running“. Let us see the fix:If you liked our fix, spread the word and share the link and our website Studyopedia with others....
然后,您可以使用docker network inspect <name>浏览每个docker网络的设置,其中name是您从ls命令中获得的...
最近经常由于操作失误,项目重启之后报Address already in use: JVM_Bind,于是去网上找了几个解决方法: 1.启动cmd, 执行命令 netstat -ano|findstr 7786, 7786是项目的端口号,会查询出占用端口号的进程号,这时候执行命令 taskkill -f -pid 10700 ,然后重启Tomcat即可解决 2.若方法一查询不到进程,(假设使用ID.....
Windows中Address already in use: JVM_Bind 端口被占用的解决办法 1·首先确认被占用的端口号,就拿443端口来说 2·然后就是查看443端口的程序PID; ① 进入cmd界面(快捷键win+R或者点击运行,输入cmd,进入cmd界面) ②输入 netstat -nao|findstr 443 ③查看第二列ip后面数字为443的程序,... ...
Why it says "Port 3306 has already been used. Are you sure you want to use this port?" when i chosen 3306 and clicked "next"? As for my knowledge, it is better to use 3306. and, also the name, it says "mySQL has been used." too. what happened? anyone could lead me the way...
如果在步骤3中发现MySQL服务正在运行,则使用以下命令终止该服务:取消-9 PID 使用以下命令启动MySQL服务...
网络统计-apn|grep 3306 如果在步骤3中发现MySQL服务正在运行,则使用以下命令终止该服务:取消-9 PID ...