// composite "land" and "GDEmap" images (taking the maximum value)varGDEmap_land_composite=ee.ImageCollection.fromImages([GDEmasked,land_renameBand]).max();// composite layer (GDE, no GDE, land area not analyzed)// add composite image to map// 0 = not analyzed// 1 = GDE// 2 = ...
研究学者借助Google Earth Engine平台,利用现有多套全球土地覆盖产品、Landsat卫星系列影像、以及大量人工目视解译样本,结合多数据融合、时序变化检测和机器学习等的方法,研制了一套2000年—2015年全球30 m分辨率的逐年土地覆盖变化数据集AGLC-2000-2015(Annual Global Land Cover 2000-2015)。 基于AGLC-2000-2015数据集...
8、ement area of each section. also you can drawn up preliminary prstressed beam steel radical number according to the output of reinforcement area. at last, you must input it into dr. bridge software in order to check the structure safety. by the illustration of dr. bridge software, you ...
全球不透水层数据集30m分辨率 简介: 利用GlobeLand30地表覆盖产品、VIIRS夜间灯光数据和MODIS EVI植被指数产品,提取全球高置信度的人工不透水面分类的训练样本;基于多源多时相遥感数据的不透水面提取算法,以5°网格进行了逐区块地自适应随机森林建模,生产了区块不透水面产品,并经过地理拼接生成了2015年全球30m不透水面产...
8、ment area of each section. also you can drawn up preliminary prstressed beam steel radical number according to the output of reinforcement area. at last, you must input it into dr. bridge software in order to check the structure safety. by the illustration of dr. bridge software, you ...
选择Export Bounds → 选中Crop to Selected Area Featurrr(s) 最后直接导出。 ▐ 土地覆盖数据 Global Mapper中支持LAND COVER数据不多,毕竟好多都可在其官网上直接下载。 其中ESA CCI数据可直接读取。 有需求的可直接下载查看,具体的就不多介绍了。 除了上面的这些数据,还有Lidar、Landsat8、OSM等数据也可下载...
Tent Size: 15m x 30m Tent Materials: Hard extruded aluminum alloy (framework) Span Width: 15m Polyester textile fabric cover (top and wall) Side Height: 4m Galvanized steel (connecting parts) Top Height: 6.4m Tent Configurations: Aluminum framework Bay Distance: 5m Fabric roof cover ...
Mingxin Metal Products Co., Ltd., located in Anping County, the famous Chinese Silk Screen hometown. Its predecessor is Yaohua Wire Drawing and Weaving Factory. It covers an area of 60, 000 square meters, which is the largest manufacturer of magnesium-aluminum alloy stainless s...
Heretofore, global burned area (BA) products are only available at coarse spatial resolution, since most of the current global BA products are produced with the help of active fire detection or dense time-series change analysis, which requires very high temporal resolution. In this study, however...
ALOS World 3D - 30m (AW3D30) 是一个全球数字表面模型 (DSM) 数据集,水平分辨率约为 30 米(1 弧秒网格)。该数据集基于 World 3D Topographic Data 的 DSM 数据集(5 米网格版本)。数据集文档中提供了更多详细信息。 2021年1月发布的3.2版本,是对高纬度地区的格式、辅助数据、处理方式等进行重新思考而创建...