The server responds with a 3xxHTTP status codethat indicates the status of the page or action requested. And that status code tells browsers where to go next and how to handle the redirection. 307 vs. 302 vs. 303 Redirects 307, 302, and 303 redirects are all temporary redirects, but the...
“RewriteRule” is a directive, which specifies the redirection rule; “example-page.html” is the source URL you want to redirect from; “new-page.html” is the URL you want to temporarily redirect to; “R=307” indicates that a temporary redirect with status code 307 should be used; An...
Configuration côté serveur (Nginx, etc.) :Si vous utilisez un serveur web différent ou avez des besoins de redirection complexes, vous pourriez configurer les 307s directement dans les fichiers de configuration du serveur. Cela nécessite généralement un niveau d’expertise technique plus éle...
创建项目默认的模板中,app.UseHttpsRedirection()在前面,所以我将app.UseCors()放在它后面,这是导致HTTP 307 Temporary Redirect福报的根本原因之一。 度娘告诉我,app.UseCors()方法要在app.UseAuthentication()之后,是误人子弟的,其实放在它前面也可以,并且app.UseCors()要在app.UseRouting()之后,app.UseEndpoints...
Temporary Redirect(307):临时重定向。在HTTP1.1的规范:10.3.8307 Temporary Redirect定义如下: The requested resource resides temporarily under a different URI. Since the redirection MAY be altered on occasion, the client SHOULD continue to use the Request-URI for future requests. This response is only...
创建项目默认的模板中,app.UseHttpsRedirection()在前面,所以我将app.UseCors()放在它后面,这是导致HTTP 307 Temporary Redirect福报的根本原因之一。 度娘告诉我,app.UseCors()方法要在app.UseAuthentication()之后,是误人子弟的,其实放在它前面也可以,并且app.UseCors()要在app.UseRouting()之后,app.UseEndpoi...
The user agent MAY use the Location field value for automatic redirection. 在之前的标准中,这句话中的 MAY 都是 MUST NOT。标准妥协了,既然现在大多数浏览器都支持了 307 和 303,那 302 的标准也就改了吧。 这就是 303、307 与 302 的关系。
Expected behavior When a HTTP server send back a 307 redirection from an original POST method, the user agent need to keep the same method when processing the redirection Actual behavior The 307 redirection from a POST request is managed...
The user agent MAY use the Location field value for automatic redirection. 在之前的标准中,这句话中的 MAY 都是 MUST NOT。标准妥协了,既然现在大多数浏览器都支持了 307 和 303,那 302 的标准也就改了吧。 这就是 303、307 与 302 的关系。
I'm using Vert.x for HTTP POST/PUT client requests, some of which receive a 307 redirection response from the server. These requests fail to redirect as described in the RFC and the original POST/PUT payload is not cached for redirection...