RTX 3070 vs RTX 2080Ti在7款游戏中的表现丨游戏混剪【显卡测试】Gaming Benchmark 1.4万 110 5:45 App GTX 1060 vs GTX 1660在9款游戏中的表现丨游戏混剪【显卡测试】Gaming Benchmark 2790 88 8:29 App GTX 1060 6GB在16款游戏中的表现丨游戏混剪【显卡测试】Gaming Benchmark 4940 101 5:08 App GTX ...
RX 6600XT vs RTX 3070TI vs RTX 3080在12款游戏中的表现丨游戏混剪【显卡测试】Gaming Benchmark 2.0万 109 07:29 App GTX 1660 6GB在14款游戏中的表现丨游戏混剪【显卡测试】Gaming Benchmark 7658 104 03:36 App GTX 1080Ti vs RTX 2060在8款游戏中的表现丨游戏混剪【显卡测试】i5-8600K 7384 105...
先说结论:5月末性价比排名 GTX1660 > RX588满血或2048sp > GTX1650 > RX598 > GTX1660ti > RTX2060 > VEGA56 穷孩子咬咬牙上不了2080,个人对目前在售的“全新”甜品级显卡的性价比做了个统计,解释: 性能比较来源:UserBenchmark,国外比较到位的显卡对比网站。性能分以公认的真香1066为基准,较下一级就N家...
An RTX 2060 Super performs much better than an RTX 3050, by the way: UserBenchmark: Nvidia RTX 2060S (Super) vs 3050. Kind Regards, NonSequitur777 Tags: Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit) View All (1) 2 people found this reply helpful Was this reply helpful? Yes No...
An RTX 2060 Super performs much better than an RTX 3050, by the way: UserBenchmark: Nvidia RTX 2060S (Super) vs 3050. Kind Regards, NonSequitur777 Tags: Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit) View All (1) 2 people found this reply helpful Was this reply helpful? Yes No 12 REPLIES...
In the FP32 single-precision benchmark, this card achieves a theoretical performance of 13.71 TFLOPS—to highlight how impressive the RTX 3000 series Ampere cards are, this is similar performance (13.84) as ASUS’s ROG STRIX RTX 2080 Ti Advanced. ...
未来人类X7200 I9 10900K+RTX3060 130W比I7 10870H+RTX3080 105W强 实测3款游戏自带的benchmark哈 古墓丽影 暗影 战争机器6 荒野大镖客2 都是1920X1080下对比 不信的网友可以带机器上门来 PK哈 要是比我们的厉害 赔偿您1000 yuan误工费哈 +3 分享198 火影游戏本吧 火影笔记本😘 火影巅峰玩家T7A简评...
SSD的话还是用常用的AS SSD BENCHMARK和CRYSTAL DISKMARK测试,读取成绩在500+,写入是400+,表现属于SATA2.5的中上水平。 CPU用的是CINEBENCH多核测试,i5 10400F总分超过了3000,表现尚可。 理论测试重头戏3DMARK来了,新版的3DMARK加入了CPU测试项目,那自然要跑一下了。CPU的分数从1线程到16线程,这个成绩不知道如何。
rt 野兽模式 打csgo帧数只有250-300(地图dust2) 创意工坊benchmark也只有平均300多 我记得刚上市的时候猪王他们评测3060版本都有500的benchmark分数的啊 我还是1280x960分辨率 内存条是32g 3200 cl 20 22 22 42 永劫无间2k低画质加dlss性能 也才有90多平均帧 哪里出了问题呢兄弟们 110837 永劫无间吧 是优阿...
The RTX 3060 Ti was put through standard 3DMark Fire Strike and Time Spy benchmark runs. In the DirectX 11-based Fire Strike benchmark, the card allegedly scores 30706 points, with 146.05 FPS in GT1 and 122 FPS in GT2. With the newer DirectX 12-based Time Spy test, it allegedly scores...