〖词汇〗每天5分钟☞牛津3000核心词·速记〖Oxford 3000 English words list〗共计39条视频,包括:001. Oxford 3000 English words list、002. Oxford 3000 English words list、003. Oxford 3000 English words list等,UP主更多精彩视频,请关注UP账号。
App acme/ EnglishClass101/ 词汇/ Just vs Only | Learn English Vocabulary 86 0 10:06 App pristine/Ask Alisha/Last Time or The Last Time-- Perfect English Grammar 172 2 14:29 App 【flummox】【Canguro English】Learn English like a baby | 1 trick to become fluent 立即预约 ...
它就是:The Oxford 3000 牛津3000 核心词汇表是一份从包含20亿词的牛津英语语料库(Oxford English Corpus)中精选而出的英语学习者必备常用 3000 词表。 或许有些朋友扫一眼词表会认为这 3000 词太"简单"了而不屑于去学习,但相信对大部分学习者而言,它们顶多只是你的"被动词汇"而已:认识,会背,不熟悉用法,更...
The Oxford 3000™ The Oxford 3000 is the list of the 3000 most important words to learn in English, from A1 to B2 level.a, an indefinite article A1 abandon v. B2 ability n. A2 able adj. A2 about prep., adv. A1 above prep., adv. A1 abroad adv. A2 absolute adj. B2 absolutely ...
牛津英语3000词--the Oxford 3000_ Words Starting With G严柏钧 0 打开网易新闻 体验效果更佳一具女尸被冲到海滩上,死者胳膊上的手印,成破案的关键!刑侦剧 糖果影视解说 177跟贴 打开APP 超越白天鹅:颜值与速度兼备的轰炸机引领未来? 阿壮国际 1544跟贴 打开APP 女人从外太空回到地球,不料却发生诡异的事情...
The Oxford 3000牛津3000高频词汇,来自牛津词典编纂专家的一手资料 The Oxford 3000™The Oxford 3000 is the list of the 3000 most important words to learn in English, from A1 to B2 level.a, an indefinite article A1 abandon v. B2ability n. A2able adj. A2about prep., adv. A1 above prep....
牛津英语3000词---the Oxford 3000_ Words Starting With D严柏钧 0 打开网易新闻 体验效果更佳超出你想象的地球故事,这是一段被深埋的历史! 超自然研究所所长 2889跟贴 打开APP 豆瓣高分励志片,如果此刻的你正值低谷,一定不能错过! 尤里有剧说电影 401跟贴 打开APP 不愧是糖精车间的,说话都那么甜 二虎...
内容提示: © Oxford University Press 1 / 12T h e Oxford 3000™ by CEFR levelThe Oxford 3000 is the list of the 3000 most important words to learn in English, from A1 to B2 level.A1a, an indef i nite articleabout prep., adv.above prep., adv.across prep., adv.action n....
The most important words to learn in English(内含5个表,格式有区分,词汇一样) The Oxford 3000 The most important words to learn in English a abandon ability able about above abroad absolute absolutely academic accept acceptable access accident accommodation accompany according to account accurate accuse...
牛津3000,核心词汇_英语考试_外语学习_教育专区。牛津3000,核心词汇,The Oxford 3000_by CEFR level The Oxford 3000? by CEFR level The Oxford 3000 is the list of the 3000 most important words to learn in English, from A1 to B2 level. A1 a, an indefinite article about prep., adv. above ...