Despite its impressive capabilities at long ranges, the .300 PRC isn’t a brutal cartridge in terms of recoil. Emery said it’s above the .300 Win. Mag. but only slightly so, which will make it manageable for most shooters. The rifle I tested—a GA Precision with a 26-inch fluted ba...
I’ll start by saying that there is absolutelynothing cheap about shooting .338 Lapau. Justcheck out the priceof some of the rifles out there that are chambered for it. In contrast, you can pick up a rifle chambered in .300 PRC fora little over a grand. Both of these are going to ...
United Nations Trade and Development Board 联合国贸易与发展理事会 Organization for Economic cooperation and Development, DECD 经济合作与开发组织 European Economic Community, EEC, European Common Market 欧洲经济共同体 European Free Trade Association, EFTA 欧洲贸易...
近日,《目标(On Target)》杂志公布了获得2023年度编辑选择奖的狩猎底盘步枪——克里斯滕森武器公司(Christensen Arms)现代狩猎步枪(MHR,Modern Hunting Rifle)。 克里斯滕森武器公司是最早制造碳纤维枪管的公司之一,也是业内使用碳纤维材料时间最长的公司之一。MHR配备自由浮动的22英寸(测试样枪)、24英寸碳纤维包裹41...