A mutual fund's 30-day SEC yield refers to a calculation that is based on the 30 days ending on the last day of the previous month. The yield figure reflects the dividends and interest earned during the period, after the deduction of the fund's expenses. The yield is named for the SE...
The SEC yield is used to comparebond fundsbecause it captures the effective rate of interest an investor may receive in the future. It is widely considered a good way to compare mutual funds orexchange-traded funds (ETFs)because this yield measure is generally very consistent from month to mon...
n.呵欠 86. yield /jɪːld/ n.产量,收益 v.投降,屈服 【真题例句】: the slowdown of thegrowth in yields of major food crops will be reversed.(2015.6) 主要粮食作物产量增速的下降将被逆转。 87. youngster /jʌŋstə(r)/ n. 年青人,少年 往期...
yield 4.如何理解lambda函数/表达式(2分) lambda是为了解决那些功能很简单的需求而设计的一句话函数。 它可以没有名字,一般和内置函数配合使用 格式: 函数名 = lambda 参数:返回值 参数可以有多个,用逗号隔开 它只能写一行,且逻辑执行结束后的内容就是返回值 返回值可以是任意数据类型 举例: lambda x:x*2 相当...
The 30-day yield is one standardized way to measure a bond fund's performance. Learn more about this data point inside.