2024获奖者包括来自全国各地的房地产专业人士,包括经纪人和经纪人,他们中的许多人已经获得了这个21世纪品牌的一些最高荣誉。欲了解更多有关本年度获奖者的信息,请访问https://www.century21.com/real-estate-blog/30under30-2024/. 2024世纪21®30岁以下获奖者: 要了解更多关于21世纪房地产的信息,或加入这个行业...
2024獲獎者包括來自全國各地的房地產專業人士,包括經紀人和經紀人,他們中的許多人已經獲得了這個21世紀品牌的一些最高榮譽。欲瞭解更多有關本年度獲獎者的信息,請訪問https://www.century21.com/real-estate-blog/30under30-2024/. 2024世紀21®30歲以下獲獎者: 要了解更多關於21世紀房地產的信息,或加入這個行業...
Sold $2M in Real Estate in 1 day! 26 October, 2024AmandaJ0 CommentsUncategorized Helped two buyers. Both homes appraised higher than contract price. Both buyers benefited from seller paid closing costs. They were able to buy their interest rate down, install a new roof with concessions, update...
In just thirteen years, the NextGen Under 30 program has expanded throughout Oklahoma, with2,890award winners selected from9,755nominees, from over421different companies and organizations located in cities and towns across the entire State of Oklahoma. By the year of2024, Millennials will make up...
The pandemic is halting some projects while exposing the overlap on the map between historical, real-estate redlining and today’s high COVID-19 rates. Sanchez is posting resources for jobs and mutual aid online, yet points out the difficulty of engaging individuals who already live a “quarant...
Compare 64,973 condos for sale in Thailand on the most popular real estate portal in Thailand. View photos, videos, virtual-tours & read project reviews.
Compare 1,037 villas for sale in Bali on the most popular real estate portal in Indonesia. View photos, videos, virtual-tours & read project reviews.
福布斯全球“30 Under 30 Asia”2016年2月25日《福布斯》杂志公布了一份“30位30岁以下亚洲人物榜”(Forbes 30 Under 30 Asia)。这是福布斯首份以亚洲作为评选范围的榜单,涉及十个领域的30岁以下的亚洲领军人物。这十个领域包括艺术、制造和能源、体育和娱乐、消费者科技、金融和投资、企业科技、市场和传媒、医疗...
Several months ago, JPM put the word out to chapter leaders and members that we were looking to highlight some of the best and brightest under age 30 who have chosen real estate management as their profession and joined IREM for additional support, education and networking opportunities. JPM ...
Loading... Called Riverbend Ranch, the property encompasses 1,918 acres and includes a 16,000-square-foot home.(Realtor.com) Get real estate news in your inbox Elizabeth HolmesTech TitansWashington DC