2023胡润北美U30创业先锋峰会暨颁奖晚宴(2023 HURUN North America Under30s Summit )于2023年11月26日在加拿大多伦多万锦市(Markham)举办,“胡润北美U30创业先锋” 系列活动首站拉开序幕!现场云集胡润U30创业先锋,北美当地和华人企业家、独角兽企业CEO以及北美当地名流和精英人士,汇集一堂、共襄盛举!当天的重磅...
在福布斯中国30 Under 30关注的2000余位青年人中,一共走出5位福布斯全球亿万富豪、40余位独角兽公司创始人、以及1位备受瞩目的诺贝尔奖候选人。而在2023年,30 Under 30新十年开始之际,有关年轻人改变世界的故事我们已准备好聆听。 福布斯一贯以前瞻性的眼光,寻找那些30岁以下,在行业内展露头角,或者展现出成为未来...
日前,福布斯重磅发布2023年亚洲30 Under 30榜单。启明创投投资企业轻流创始人兼首席执行官薄智元、芯宿科技联合创始人兼首席科学家董一名入选,其中,薄智元登上企业技术领域榜单的封面。 轻流创始人兼首席执行官薄智元 (企业技术) 芯宿科技联合创始人兼首席科学家董一名 (医疗健康与科学) 荣登 2023年福布斯亚洲30 Under ...
2022年胡润百富进驻北美市场,已举办过4月29日在加拿大温哥华峰会、11月10日美西洛杉矶峰会,即将举办的是2023边1月14日美东波士顿U30峰会!当然还有即将到来的2023年系列活动,三月的阿联酋阿布扎比,六月加拿大的温哥华和多伦多,九十月份的美西美东等! 在北美首发的是胡润百富创业系列的代表榜单之一,Under30s创业领袖榜,聚焦...
https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesunder30team/2023/11/28/hall-of-shame-the-10-most-dubious-people-ever-to-make-our-30-under-30-list/?sh=aaad65873798 本文为福布斯中文网版权所有,未经允许不得转载。如需转载请联系wechat@forbeschina.com
Starting a small business has never been easier. Whether you're looking to break free from traditional employment or simply want to supplement the salary from your day job, there are countless business opportunities to turn your passion or skills intoprofitable ventures. ...
Starting a small business has never been easier. Whether you're looking to break free from traditional employment or simply want to supplement the salary from your day job, there are countless business opportunities to turn your passion or skills into...
Where Business Connections Lead to Success!WELCOME TO NETWORK UNDER 30!Video PlayerMedia error: Format(s) not supported or source(s) not foundDownload File: https://networkunder30.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Network-Under-30-2.mp4?_=1...
It’s never too early to begin thinking about who you know that could be part of the 2020 group of Sport for Business 30 Under 30. The criteria for submission is that the person should be working within the sports industry, or in a sponsorship or agency capacity that is bringing sport ...