However, there is one thing that has never changed—the meaning of afternoon tea.1. When did the idea of “afternoon tea” first appear in England? A.In the 1660s. B.In the 1880s. C.In the mid-19th century.2. In the third paragraph, what does the “two main meals” probably ...
4. Which of the following is the closest in meaning to the phrase “…”? 5. The word “…” most nearly means ___. 方法技巧 对此类试题,考生应该进行大胆猜测,但这种猜测不是胡乱的,盲目的,而是有一定的方法和技巧。下面介绍几种常见的猜测词义的方法供同学们加以运用。 1...
Itisagreat 荣誉 formeto beinvitedtogiveaspeechinthisschool敭 二、单词变形 imaginev敭想 象 n敭想 象 adj敭想 象中的 adj敭富有想象力的 impressv敭给??留下印象 n敭印象 adj敭对??印象深 的adj敭让人印象深刻的 improvev敭改进;改善 adj敭改 良的;改进过的 n敭改进;改善 inconvenientadj敭不方便的...