Z QU-H250×*DFAP 20 40 0.1 16.6 HDX-40× Z QU-H63×*DFBP 63 19.2 HDX-63× Z QU-H100×*DFBP 25 200 22.9 HDX-100× Z QU-H160×*DFBP 32 160 0.12 34.0 HDX-160× Z QU-H250×*DFBP 40 250 41.9 HDX-250× Z QU-H400×*DFBP 50 400 0.15 57.6 HDX-400× Z QU-H630...
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Most likely 2023 award winner:Burnes seemingly had a bit of a dip in production coming off his Cy Young Award in 2021, but he topped 200 innings for the first time, led the NL in strikeouts and still fashioned a 2.94 ERA in 2022. The 28-year-ol...
3 33 37 21 6 39 20 7 12 14 11 38 18 15 2 104 14 5 54 76 34 103 1844 4 39 14 5 12 4 3 33 18 15 2 0 2 偶 大 3 6 2 2 2025041 394 401 5 1776 681 820 161 172 5 34 38 22 7 40 21 8 13 1 12 39 19 16 3 105 15 6 55 77 35 104 1845 5 40 15 6 13 ...
pingguoxueyuan/gostudy gostudy是关于golang的学习教程,采用通俗易懂、实践和理论相结合的方式,阐述golang各个方面的特性,尽快让初学者通过项目实践,快速的上手并成为经验丰富的golang开发者 200 Go 06/30 152xinliangnote/go-gin-api 基于Gin 进行模块化设计的 API 框架,封装了常用功能,使用简单,致力于进行...
Remote ischaemic conditioning is the intriguing phenomenon, first reported by Przyklenk, Whittaker and colleagues [200,260], that brief periods of ischaemia applied in a distant tissue can render the heart resistant to IRI and reduce MI size. Although first viewed as a specious finding [201], ...
液态金属散热加持下、双风扇六热管的魔霸新锐2021单烤CPU70w@100℃,单烤GPU 130w@76℃;双烤CPU 58w@100℃+GPU 117w 1.9Ghz@73℃,散热激进而出色。CPU 魔霸新锐上的5900HX 8核可超频,Cinebench R15单核跑分245分,多线程2205分,R20单线程跑分585分,多线程5033分,R23单线程跑分1474分,多线程跑分13118分。
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一、前言: RTX 40的功耗 你真的了解吗? RTX 4090的性能、能效表现都可以说是无可挑剔的: 4K分辨率下平均领先上代卡皇RTX 3090 Ti 50%以上,革命性的DLSS 3可以带来数倍的性能提升,超高能效使得实际游戏功耗只有200-380W,温度也不超过60℃…… ...