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品牌:NOK 型号:AT250-20-30-SH/T10E 加工定制:加工定制 容积:100L 适用物料:储能器气囊 产品认证:CE 规格尺寸:720mm 重量:6kg 电压:220V供应: `NOK`储能器气囊7931064D(J70-1D) BT-20 AT250-20-30-SH/T10E AT25M-20-30/SH/T10 AT150-10-30/T06 AL210-10-30...
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· Produces 5,600 MT of Seafood and raises 26,000 head of cattle during 2014. 2015 · Sino Agro Food announces a long-term vision to become a leading sustainable aquaculture company focused on organically farmed fish and prawns. · Wholesale Center 2 in Shanghai initiates operations · Mr. ...
> convert > EUR > NOK > 30 相关货币信息货币汇率换算查询 货币信息 货币汇率走势 计算器 欧元Euro走势 7 天走势 USD 1.0796 (+3.0%) GBP 0.8379 (+1.4%) CNY 7.8247 (+2.8%) JPY 159.2400 (+1.6%) CAD 1.5509 (+3.1%) CHF 0.9565 (+1.7%)...
Euro Forint węgierski Frank szwajcarski Funt szterling Jen japoński Juan chiński RMB Korona czeska Korona duńska Korona norweska Korona szwedzka Leja rumuńska Lira turecka Nowy lew bułgarski Nowy szekel izraelski Real brazylijski Ringgit malezyjski Rupia indonezyjska Rupia indyjska Zło...
The decrease in absolute terms was mainly attributable to the decrease in scheduled technical and maintenance costs related to engine maintenance, as well as the favorable movement of the Euro (“EUR”)/USD exchange rate in the second quarter of 2020 as compared to the prior qu...
Unit class "K-1" differs from unit class "P" with regard to the level of the flat fee. Only bearer units are issued*. With regard to the subfunds UBS (Lux) Equity Fund – Euro Countries Multi Strategy and UBS (Lux) Equity Fund – USA Multi Strategy, the offer of unit classes ...