3-uniform hypergraphAdjacent verticesA matching in a 3-uniform hypergraph is a set of pairwise disjoint edges. We use E-3(2d - 1, n - 2d + 1) to denote the 3-uniform hypergraph whose vertex set can be partitioned into two vertex classes V-1 and V-2 of size 2d - 1 and n - ...
Bollobás and Thomason conjectured that the vertices of any r-uniform hypergraph with m edges can be partitioned into r sets so that each set meets at least rm/(2r−1) edges. For r=3, Bollobás, Reed and Thomason proved the lower bound (1−1/e)m/3≈0.21m, which was improved ...
In this paper, we completely determine the spectrum of edge balanced H-designs, where H is a 3-uniform hypergraph with 2 or 3 edges, such that H has strong chromatic number χs(H)=3.
The maximum degree ∆(H) and the Ramsey number R(H) of a 3-uniform hypergraphH are then defined in the obvious way.Theorem 1. For every ∆ ∈ N there exists a constant C = C(∆) such that all 3-uniformhypergraphs H of maximum degree at most ∆ satisfy R(H) ≤ C|H|....
利用Chernoff界给出完全3部3一致超图和3一致完全超图的Ramsey数r(K(s3,t),n,K3n)≥cn2st+1(logn)-st。 更多例句>> 3) uniformly connected multigraph 一致连通多图形 4) parasimple hypergraph 一致超图 1. In the first section , the definition of parasimple hypergraph and the sufficient and ne...
(3)n,n 分解为超图双三角锥[J]. 广西师范大学学报(自然科学版),2021,39(4):93-98. ZHAOH T,LIU Z W. Decompositions of λ-fold complete bipartite 3-uniform hypergraphs λK (3)n,n into hypergraph triangular bipyramid[J]. Journal of GuangxiNormal University (Natural Science Edition),2021,39...
Decomposing the Complete 3-Uniform Hypergraphs Kn(3) Into Hamiltonian Cycles {{article.zuoZhe_EN}} Author information + 文章历史 + 本文亮点 {{article.keyPoints_cn}} HeighLight {{article.keyPoints_en}} 摘要 {{article.zhaiyao_cn}} Abstract {{article.zhaiyao_en}} 关键词 Key ...
6) r-uniform hypergraph r-一致超图 1. This paper focuses on the r-uniform hypergraph of order n which contains no k-C-cycle. 主要讨论了不含k-C-圈的n阶r-一致超图,对不同的k,分别得出了它的极大边数的一个下界,并且得出在有些情况下它的下界是最大的。
12月15日下午3:00,国家数学与交叉科学中心“青年论坛”将邀请福州大学教授侯建锋作线上报告,题目是"Maximum cuts in 3-uniform hypergraphs with sparse neighbourhoods",欢迎参加! Abstract: A cut of a hypergraph is a partition...
Key words:Uniform hypergraph;7-cycle;Cycle decomposition 1引言 Katona-Kierstead 和王建方在文献〔1-2〕分别独立的给出了Hamiltonian 链与Hamiltonian 圈的定义.事实上,Hamiltonian 链与Hamiltonian 圈定义的圈结构是一样的.一些学者在文献〔2-9〕中研究了完全3-一致 基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(11161032)...