The main sources of provincial law are the province's Constitution Act and the Statutes of the province. c. Territorial Law: The three territories of Canada (Yukon, Northwest Territories, and Nunavut) have their own legislative assemblies and pass their own laws, similar to the provinces. 1.2 ...
1.Canada is a North American country consisting of ten provinces and three territories.2.there are 20% of people speaking French and 80% speaking English in Sudbury, Canada.3.Canada needs people.
Canada is one of the largest countries in the world. It is located in the north half of the continent of North America,above the United States. Canada is divided into ten provinces and three territories,each of which is different from the others. ...
Canada is a broad and beautiful country that stretches from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean.In the ten provinces and three territories 1. (make) up Canada,there is great diversity in geography.The grand Rocky Mountains,which are home to high peaks and deep 2. (valley) carved by ice and...
Canada has a lot of great universities, such as UBC, university of Toronto, university of Alberta, etc. 写加拿大的英语作文 篇3 Canada is a North American country consisting of ten provinces and three territories.The capital of Canada is Ottawa.The population of Canada is about 31.5 million....
Canada 加拿大 1 LearningGoals (学习目的)★Tolearnandgetsomegeneralknowledgeofthe briefhistory,geography,economy,sportsandcultureofCanada;(学习了解一些有关加拿大历史、地理、经济、体育、文化等方面的常识。)★TolearnsomeABCof(vocational)education inCanada.(了解一些加拿大的教育情况。)2 PartA Exploring Canada ...
Data for Canada, provinces, territories, census divisions and census subdivisions are shown in this table.This table is part of the topic 'Age and sex,' which provides age and sex distributions for the entire population of Canada. The 2006 Census data show the age group structure of the Cana...
1.territories 版图,地区 2.continent 大陆 3.prairie 草原 4.cattle 牛 5.pasta 意大利面 原文 Canada:Provinces and Territories Canada is one of the largest countries in the world. It is located in the north half of the continent of North America,above the United States. Canada is divided into...
译林版高中英语选择性必修第3册 U1L3 Grammar and usage.ppt,Unit 1 Wish you were hereGrammar and usage Comparing two sentences1) In the ten provinces and three territories which make up Canada, there is a great diversity in geography.2) To the east of the P
1)InthetenprovincesandthreeterritorieswhichmakeupCanada,thereisagreatdiversityingeography.arestrictiverelativeclause2)TotheeastofthePacificcoastrisethegrand RockyMountains,whicharehometohigh peaksanddeepvalleyscarvedbyiceandwater.anon-restrictiverelativeclause Exploringtherules 1)Theseindustries,inturn,givejobstothe...