项目地址:https://www.tinkercad.com/things/1maNW6J7e7k-elevator-simulation #include <LiquidCrystal.h>#definepwm1 9#definepwm2 10//#define tmpPin A0//#define piezoPin 8//boolean direction = 0;//const int tempmax=35;//int speed;inti=1; LiquidCrystal lcd(12,11,5,4,3,2);#definebtn3...
掌控Arduino :基于Tinkercad仿真 ¥58 剩余5 配送 至 选择地区查看预计配送信息 运费待下单时确认
Ultra-Sonic Sensors (2) RGB LEDs (4) OLED & RGB Controls Arduino Mega (Nova's heart!) This video describes the electronic components, but please note, this was prior to adding the Arduino Nano, which will be clear in the video following this one: Here is a video describing how and wh...
微型计算机 I – Arduino(基于 ATMEGA328p 微处理器)用于自控制机电系统 – 传感器和执行器(直流电机、伺服电机) Microcomputer I – Arduino (based on ATMEGA328p microprocessor) for automatic control of electromechanical systems – sensors and actuators...
TinkerCAD Resources for Freshies Orientation 2020 - Delete p2(2).jpg · Snehan2k2/TinkerCAD_Arduino@d1e6fb5
微型计算机 I – Arduino(基于 ATMEGA328p 微处理器)用于自控制机电系统 – 传感器和执行器(直流电机、伺服电机) Microcomputer I – Arduino (based on ATMEGA328p microprocessor) for automatic control of electromechanical systems – sensors and actuators...