语言简单,重复可预见,因此低龄和无基础的孩子也能接受哦~ 2. 5-10岁 The true story of the three little pigs 这本绘本是从大灰狼的角度来描写的绘本,从狼的角度来看,到底发生了些什么呢? 如果你是一只狼,那这个故事是不是对你来说又是另...
545._The_Hitchhiker_by_Roald_Dahl_Short_Story 雅各Q209 75 the three little pigs 西瓜读书时光4.50万 710.The_Umbrella_Man_by_Roald_Dahl_Short_Story 雅各Q425 F-75The Three Little Pigs FunFunZoe16 【洪恩故事】三只小猪 洪恩故事9.33万
In reading this classic story, children are introduced to the concept of cause and effect, and the consequences of actions.The three little pigs serve as a charming and enduring reminder that hard work pays off. 在阅读这个经典故事时,孩子们被引入了因果关系的概念,以及行动的后果。三只小猪作为一...
The threelittle Pigsbuiltsome houses. 三只小猪建造了一些房子 The firstpig built a house out ofgrassbecause it was the easiest thing to do. 第一只小猪用茅草建了一座茅草屋,因为这样做最简单。 The secondlittle pig built his house out ofsticks. ...
The True Story of the Three Little Pigs 三只小猪的真实故事 Everybody knows the story of the Three Little Pigs. Or at least they think they do. But I'll let you in on a little secret. Nobody knows the real st...
x滌絀 J 额 轺醿 >菁 <贱 $%R%QD婌n卛X協 赐佚3 糰En`=簘 N 肟 筮 ? 锲焽 䦆 骭 Wo感 反 0 ,} ~ ?臿U蓬 2,+辐徦O炠dEX %焴 桹f醻R偮u?瓱w 唿 鬟鼜 榭 ? 蒐漁r毜煷` 﨩 裏 霃oa7 ?蝟续 t瀃{)&~ 颙 //c麖...
真实地三只小猪的故事 纯英文绘本,三只小猪的故事大家应该都耳熟能详,所以,就不复述了。适合学英语的小朋友阅读,最好有一点英语底子的小朋友,完全没有基础,可能看不太明白,而且吧,这绘本画得很后现代的感觉,不是所有的孩子都能接受的。。
The little pigs had different ideas on how to build their houses and used the materials available to them in different ways. This shows that there are many ways to achieve a goal, and we should always be willing to try new things and think outside the box. Overall, the story of the ...
unit 3 Story time故事阅读 Listen and enjoy听一听,并欣赏 Three little pigs三只小猪 1.Hello,my name's Tom.你好,我叫汤姆. Hi,my name's Tim.嗨,我叫提姆. Hello,my name's Jim.你好,我叫吉姆. Tom,Tim and I are brothers. 2.Hello,my boys.你好,我的孩子们. ...
You know, when she tells "The Three Little Pigs" story, she actually has hair on her chinny-chin-chin. 当然 当她讲"三只小猪"的故事时 她的下巴上是真的有胡子的 I'm not gonna live with your mother.Not now, not ever. 我才不和你妈住一起呢 现在不会 以后也不会 Wow, someone obviously...